Carrie, now showing at Underground Arts at the Wolf Building, tells the familiar story of a ridiculed teen with telekinetic powers. The Brian De Palma film and Stephen King novel by the same name depicts the protagonist in a dramatic light, portraying a tale of hurt and revenge. Erik Jackson’s stage adaptation accomplishes the same task, but with a lot more humor.
The light-hearted feel of the play is set from the moment you walk to the lobby of the theater. Brat Productions, known for its theater for people who don’t like theater, does not wait for the audience to seat for the play to begin. Before the show begins, the audience is invited to vote for Prom Queen and King and have their photos taken.
The play opens with an interrogation with Sue, the sweet popular girl who survives Carrie’s rampage. Played by Mariel Rosati, Sue leads the audience into a hysterical riot of high school cruelty. For starters, Erik Ransom brilliantly plays Carrie, the awkward girl unaware of menstruation, in drag. The one-liners that come with the opening locker room scene set the mood for the entire play.
The play continues with a comedic take on the famous scenes that makes Carrie a campy classic. Played by Leah Walton, Carrie’s mother, the sheltered Maine bible-thumper, delivers an intense comedic performance. Also in the cast is Jess Conda as Norma Watson, Colleen Corcoran as Miss Gardner, Bethany Ditnes as Chris Hargensen, Justin Jain as Billy Nolan, Bradley Wrenn as Tommy Ross, Jarrod Yuskauskas as Mr. Morton.
This play was hysterical. Brat Productions scored with another Halloween spectacle. If you’ve always loved the movie and wanted a chance to see Carrie performed with drag, gay wit, and lots and lots of camp, here is your chance. Tickets are $23 – $29 and the play is showing now till November 2. For more information, visit
Pictured: Erik Ransom as Carrie White Photo Credit: Fig Tree Photography |
Pictured: Bradley Wrenn as Tommy Ross and Erik Ransom as Carrie White Photo Credit: Fig Tree Photography |
Pictured: Leah Walton as Margaret White and Erik Ransom as Carrie White Photo Credit: Fig Tree Photography |