On October 30th, the nation celebrated with National Power Bottom Appriciation Day – I had cake…it seemed appropriate. I think everyone has a special power bottom in their life. Often they tend to be the butt of jokes. Everyone loves to call someone a silly bottom when they are being sassy, but let’s be honest, without bottoms, tops would have no fun.
Often they are looked down upon as a city. I’m sure you have heard the expression "Bottomdelphia." Every bottom in the city whines that just like a Tupperware drawer, Philly is just a bunch of bottoms that can’t find their top. But is this really true?
We here at PhillyGayCalendar are about finding out the TRUTH! So we put a survey out in the field and asked – "Are you a top or a bottom?" [NOTE: This is by NO means a scientific poll – it’s just for fun, people!] We had no idea what results we would receive but we were determined to find out – are we really Bottomdelphia?
The survey went out over social media and almost 300 respondents answered back sharing their position preference. Below are our initial findings:

From our data is turns out that the majority of Philadelphia is versatile. Which is a sigh of relieve for those that like to change things up once in awhile in bed. But as for those die hards – it looks like the tops have a slight advantage. While it’s only by 2% – it still disproves the myth of ‘Bottomdelphia.’ So bottoms can rejoice knowing that there is a top out there for them.
But we aren’t done yet! The next question is – "Where can I find one?" Well we have the answer for you as well. We asked all our respondents where they live. From the map below you can see where there tops and bottoms live in the city.

So as you can see it’s pretty diverse across the city, but if you want a better chance of finding a bottom, you might want to travel to south west Philly. However, if all you want is a good top – then set your Grindr location to the far south east. Now we don’t recommended you moving just to find someone to take home, but nothing like hanging out in the right local coffee shop to make sure that cute guy you are cruising is right for you.
Now we are not done! We went even further. We asked all our respondents what bar they hang out in. It’s one thing to know where they live, but you want to meet them in a bar….when they are drunk and it’s dark, right? So below are the Top Top Bars and the Top Bottom Bars

So for those looking for a good top, check out Bob & Barbara on Thursday night for their world famous drag show, or get some dinner at Knock, or head across broad street to Stir for a cocktails.
However, if you need a good bottom – and let’s be honest, who doesn’t – then you might want to check out everyone’s favorite little bar, U Bar, or take a walk on the wild side at the Bike Stop, or even dance all night at iCandy
Of course you could always just go out where you friends hang out and get to know what a guy is like by talking to him and finding out his hobbies, interests and dreams instead of worrying about which part of the bunk bed he likes – but that’s just me!
Happy Hunting!