You know I’ve got a soft spot for Haus of Ham, and an even softer spot for well conceived and quippy theatre. So when I walked into HoH’s latest production, “Murder He Wrote,” to say I was excited is stoopid, because I was enthralled to get into some murder mystery madness.
The evening promised laughter, food, and a show; I got all three and then some. Sitting down for our salad course we were greeted by the cast as they made their rotations around the dinner tables. We were introduced quickly to Eric Jaffe, Sutton Fierce, Aurora Whorealis, Mistor Fahrenheit, Lili St. Queer and Ariel Versace. They each introduced their characters for the evening and filled us with hints and clues for the progression of the evening.
After our first course, the queens took a quick second to change into their next outfit, but not before the untimely death of a queen. But really: whodunit? The show progressed as each queen struts their stuff, some for the final time (well, final time alive). All of this happens while audience members enjoy some their entrees. The queens continue to drop dead as we reach the show’s high point, an amazing re-written rendition of “Your Fault” (via Into the Woods). The killer is finally revealed just as dessert is being served. The cast was more than excited to take selfies and hang out after the show, which all 50+ of us enjoyed.
I know I’m looking forward to Haus of Ham’s next production, and I’ll keep you posted when that happens. Don’t miss this show!