Coming Out :: VinChelle

Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar

Originally from Tennessee, VinChelle is a local drag performer

I knew that I’ve always liked the same sex since I was a little boy. I had crushes on the same sex since I was in elementary school! I was always very OUTSPOKEN and sassy growing up! I was lucky enough to go to a performing arts middle school, high school, annnd college, so I was always surrounded around gay boys but I never really accepted who I really was until sophomore year of high school.

Previously, I tried to fight it, hang out with only straight boys and even “pray it away” but I finally just accepted who I was and came out of the closet. I first told my classmates that I was “bi” but I knew I only liked the same sex.

I soon after told my mother (I was 16) that I only liked the same sex. She took it well and supported me. From then on, I was extremely open about my sexuality. I would definitely get made fun of, but it made me stronger and it didn’t hurt that I had a quick tongue, so I always handled myself! I’m so happy that it has been about 14 years of being out of the closet!!!! Live your life fruitfully, truthfully, and honestly!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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