Review: Wonder Woman 1984

Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar

The Christmas premier of the much-anticipated Wonder Woman sequel caused the gays to squeal – partially for the outfits, and partial for watching women kick some ass.

But unfortunately, the movie wasn’t all it was hyped up to be.

While Gal Gadot looked amazing in both her Wonder Woman outfits as well as her 80’s style clothes, and Kirsten Wiig’s transformation from a shy nerd to a sex kitten was a powerful divination from her comedy background, it wasn’t enough to keep this movie from falling flat.

We asked our users what they thought, and they didn’t like the movie as much as critics did.

Review Scores

Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score
0 %
Rotten Tomatoes Audiance Score
0 %
PhillyGayCalendar Audience Score
0 %

PhillyGayCalendar User Reviews:

Rk Ruth
Rk Ruth
kevin g.
kevin g.@kevinjoseph_x
Anti Climatic 😟
Erington Moore
Erington Moore@only1erington
Was really looking forward to it but found it to be …Underwhelming 😟
It was okay. It didn't advance her storyline at all though.
Jeff Spence
Jeff Spence
Watched it 2x. Better on the 2nd watch. Wanted more.
Matthew Fiting
Matthew Fiting
Full of heart and great performances. One of the best DC Movies!

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