An Interview with Ana Matronic of the Scissor Sisters
Ana Matronic and PGC had a phone chat to talk about how to relax during a national tour, the process of recording an album, and what to do next time you’re in Old City.
We don't run the gay community, we just organize it!
Ana Matronic and PGC had a phone chat to talk about how to relax during a national tour, the process of recording an album, and what to do next time you’re in Old City.
. When dating, we risk exposing ourselves to new strangers. We risk being judged. Worse case scenarios, we prepare for awkward dinners, bad conversations, and occasional rejections. “You’re a nice guy but… there’s no chemistry.” It’s no wonder many of us hate dating.
There’s a 400 sq ft restaurant on the corner of Camac and Locust that will change your life. I love this fact because the prior tenant of this tiny little corner space was another life changing phenomenon.
The power lesbians of 13th Street (Valerie and Marcie) who also own Lolita, Grocery, Bindi, Open House, Verde, and Marcie Blaine Chocolates debuted their latest home run – BARBUZZO! Honestly, these women have the Midas touch! One might be tempted to call them overachievers. Personally, I think they passed that when they opened their 4th business on 13th Street! I think after a 7th business we need to admit, they’re on a quest to rule the world, or at the very least the gayborhood!
I’m a lesbian who having an affair with a married woman. She says she loves her husband as a friend but she’s never been really attracted to him. We’ve only been involved a short amount of time and she’s only ever been known as a heterosexual, so she’s not ready to throw everything away for me yet. And that’s fine with me too: I don’t need a serious relationship now either. But I do want to keep seeing her and I want to keep it quiet. I know you don’t approve of deceit, but you have to have some knowledge about dating in secret. What do I do and not do to keep this under wraps until we have a solid plan about what we want?
I have a dilemma that seems silly even to me. I’ve been dating the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. No, she really, really is. Her personality is also really great. She’s sweet and smart and thoughtful. I’m totally smitten. I don’t know how I landed her, but we’ve been seeing each other for about 2 months since we met through friends at a party. But as much as people envy my luck at having such arm candy, it’s kind of hell. Everyone in the world is competition now. She gets hit on constantly, by both women and men, even right in front of me. She’s good about it and politely shoos them away. But these people eyeball me like, “who’s THIS piece of crap?” It’s incredibly stressful and I feel as though at any second I might end up in a fight with one of them or dropped for someone more attractive. And I don’t want to seem too clingy or jealous to her, especially not this early. What am I supposed to do?
“My roommate is hooked on the damn Twilight series and won’t shut the fuck up about Edward Cullen. She has a legitimate, full-on crush on this fictional character. She talks constantly about vampires and how much she wants to have sex with one. And several of her friends are in agreement. They are all now obsessed with how sexy vampires are because of these books and all the movies out right now. What is wrong with them?”
Since June 2007, the Get REAL Project has been telling the stories of young gay, bisexual and transgender men in Philly. While continuing that mission, what follows is one in an occasional series of interviews with respected leaders in the LGBT community. Dr. Winn is a physician at Jefferson University and at Mazzoni Center and offered his perspective on some issues that affect our health.
I have a weird question and I don’t know if anyone can really answer it. After years of being heavy… no, really, I was fat…I’ve turned my life around and gotten in shape. A nutritionist, 5 times a week at the gym and a lot of sweat later, I’ve lost 110 pounds. I’m now lean and living an entirely new life… and finding myself unprepared for the attention I get from men. Even though I’m 29 I’ve never really dated and I don’t know how to respond to flirting. It’s also hard not to resent these guys too because I know that 110 pounds ago they wouldn’t have given me the time of day. How do I make up for all those years of not being in the dating pool with everyone else?
My ex and I split up about 2 and a half months ago after a year and a half of being together. We broke up because he wasn’t taking our relationship seriously enough for me, canceling plans at the last minute and not being attentive. He is only the third person I’ve ever slept with. I know he’s seeing a couple people casually now but I haven’t been seeing anyone and I’m getting lonely. The last couple times I went out to the bars I really wanted to call him and see if he wanted to just hook up. My friends have talked me out of it, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea because I know it’ll be good and I feel safe with him and it’ll keep me satisfied until I find someone new. Who’s right?”
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