Most Popular Photo of the Week: Glow Boys
The most popular photo of the week were Brian and Ricky from the Glow Party
We don't run the gay community, we just organize it!
The most popular photo of the week were Brian and Ricky from the Glow Party
The popular sex columnist is under fire — and sparkles — from trans community activists.
Friend of the Calendar R. Eric Thomas talks about social networking, storytelling, and his upcoming one-man show “Will You Accept This Friend Request.”
The term “bullying” doesn’t do justice to the recent hate-fueled beating of an Ohio teen, and with the aggressor receiving a mere three-day suspension, no kind of justice is yet in sight. The larger question looms: How can we protect queer youth?
Jesus hung out with sinners whose behavior he clearly did not approve of. But he reserved his strongest disapproval for those other sinners who would condemn them. He did not say, ‘Hate the sin but love the sinner,’ but he did say this: ‘Let him who is without sin cast the first stone’.
The Hip Couple that live in my building invited me to a very civilized Sunday afternoon of brunch followed by perusing an “Open Studio” of resident artists’ galleries. I was super excited! I love brunch and art! Especially when it’s all located on gritty Spring Garden Street in sunny Philadelphia.
Outfest was fabulous, but what would be more fabulous then then these two guys working the gayborhood!
The phrase “We are everywhere” has become something of a cliché, but truth to tell, many of us still don’t quite grasp all the implications of that truth. Here is one: We are managing to get along in neighborhoods that are far from LGBT Meccas.
You know how you walk by a joint on the regular and never try it. You see the joint, but just never get around to going in. Perhaps it’s on some out-of-the-way street that’s on your way to someplace that has nothing to do with food. Well, I’ve been walking by Meme at 22nd and Spruce for a solid two years now and haven’t thought of going there for dinner.
The most popular photo of the week was this hottie from the OUTFest after party at iCandy
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