Get your Holes Filled @ Big Gay Ice Cream

Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar

I wish I could say I was using the title to draw you into my article, but in all honesty the hole filling was the best part of my trip to BGIC. (If I have to explain the acronym, you should probably go home now, you’re still drunk.) 

When anything new (and gay) opens up in the city, I inevitably feel the pull to give it a shot and the pull is always stronger when food is involved. So when I heard BGIC had finally opened its doors, I was there on its first day of business. I walked in and found my self unabashedly bombarded by rainbows and unicorns, literally the walls are covered. When I was done being distracted by the poster size picture of Bea Arthur giving a unicorn the Heimlich, I turned my attention to the small, yet satisfying menu of options. What makes BGIC quasi-unique is that their ice cream flavor options are limited; Chocolate, Vanilla or Twist are your only options. What occurs after (or before) the ice cream hits the cone is where the real magic happens. You can get your insides (of your cone) coated in peanut butter, chocolate, or caramel. Then your mountain of custard get’s pounded with a shaft to be filled with gooey dulce de leche or chocolate and finally it gets a facial of rainbow sprinkles. Or you know, you could just have a plain vanilla cone… To each his own. 

Will I be going back? Sure. Regularly? Probably not, but only because it’s out of the way and I want a six-pack by June 1st.

Big Gay Ice Cream
521 South Broad Street
Philidelphia, PA 19147

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