PA Rep. Brian Sims Gives Impassioned Speech on LGBTQ Rights

In an effort to amend Pennsylvania’s constitution to extend civil rights to all Pennsylvania residents including the LGBTQ community, Pennsylvania House Democrats made a strong effort to get House Bill 55, Amendment A170 passed on Tuesday, January 26.

Brian Sims, the representative for the 182nd district in the state (The Philly Gayborhood), took to the House floor to make an impassioned speech urging the House Republicans, who are the majority, to vote in favor of the amendment.

“I shared quotes from a few of my LGBTQ heroes, Barney Frank, Harvey Milk and I think about their heroics and leadership often, about how special they were, but also how special any of us can be. How heroic we can be in a singular moment, a moment history makes, a moment like this.”

Brian Sims

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