Beginning this month, the Arcila-Adams Trans Resource center of the Wiliam Way LGBT Center will be hosting a bimonthly podcast centering the experiences of Black folks that are under that big ole trans umbrella. The first full episode will air on July 8th on our Youtube channel and Facebook page. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to tune in, but remember, Black TGNC+ folks are prioritized in the content of this programming.
We want to hear from you! We want to know what topics you all want to hear about. We want to feature your businesses, art, and work. Fill up the comments and let us know what you think. Email us at if you’d like to collaborate or be featured in a show.
Be kind, it’s our first go at it and like cheese and wine, we’ll get better with time!
Str8 talk at Arcila-Adams TRC
Charlene Arcila
Jaci Adams