Philly has a wealth of upstanding Queer DJ citizens.
The good things is if you put them all on a human sized Lazy Susan and spun it like a turntable sort of spin-the-bottle type of gig, where ever it stopped you’d be making out alright. I can’t pick my favorite, can you?
The good news is they all spin rather frequently in our fair city and around the way. You can catch a bevy of them at Emerge on May 2nd at Transit Nightclub and for a tasty bit of Emerge click here: Emerge Promo.
DJ Glitz
Location: West Philly
How did you come up with your DJ name?
Being a Jewish, Lesbian, DJ I really wanted a name that was fancy, glam, and a little Yiddish sounding.
First song ever spun for the masses:
Two of hearts, Stacy Q
Who is in charge of the car radio when you are traveling with others?
Me. Of course!
Worst song anyone has ever requested:
I spun at the Khyber a few months ago, and a group of very drunk frat boys came up and requested Spice Girls. It was hard to keep from laughing.
What is your motivation to DJ?
Sex appeal.
Worst thing that could happen to you during a set:
It’s a toss up between having to pee really bad and watching your ex-girlfriend make out with her new date.
Which do you prefer: CD player, Turntable or lap top?
I love my CD decks.
Who is your DJ hero?
DJ Rheka, Brooklyn, NY.
Favorite venue to spin at:
XO, for FUSE!
What do you wish you could play but never will?
Sad love songs by Dolly Parton.
Favorite Philly event that you don’t spin at:
Make YR Break, at the Bubble House.
Current song you can’t stop listening to:
Speakerbox by Kylie Monogue
Favorite old school song:
PYT, Michael Jackson
Where can we find out more about you?
DJ Glitz on myspace.
Location: Kensington/Fishtown
How did you come up with your DJ name?
I was a drummer in an all girl band in college. We decided to create nicknames for ourselves. Back then, most of my friends called me Ivy, since my middle name is Ivette, and one of the girls in the band came up with Jivey, and I loved it, so I’ve had it ever since!
First song ever spun for the masses:
DEEP INSIDE – by Hardrive
Who is in charge of the car radio when you are traveling with others?
Definitely me….unless another dj is driving his/her own car…
Worst song anyone has ever requested:
Anything by Celine Dion or Melissa Etheridge…
What is your motivation to DJ?
I just love music and watching people dance to the songs I’ve chosen.
Worst thing that could happen to you during a set:
That would probably be losing electricity and having the crowd have NO IDEA what’s going on! That sucks…
Which do you prefer: CD player, Turntable or lap top?
1s & 2s, fo sho!
Who is your DJ hero?
Favorite venue to spin at:
Would have to be PURE. Just a great space and great sound!
What do you wish you could play but never will?
Drum & Bass
Favorite Philly event that you don’t spin at:
Blue Ball
Current song you can’t stop listening to:
4 minutes – Madonna – Bob Sinclar remix
Favorite old school song:
Girl I’ll House You – Jungle Bros.
Where can we find out more about you?
DJ Bunnystyle
Location: West Philly, PA.
How did you come up with your DJ name?
I’ll never tell.
First song ever spun for the masses:
Chances are it was “Me, Myself and I” by De La Soul but I can’t quite remember.
Who is in charge of the car radio when you are traveling with others?
Rule number one of touring/travelling: Drivers choice. Rule number two: I’m driving.
Worst song anyone has ever requested:
Worse than a bad request are requests for good songs that just aren’t good to dance to at a party. They may rock your bedroom or kitchen, but can really trip things up at a bangin’ party.
What is your motivation to DJ?
I love music – I love how it moves people, and makes people move. Sound is such a powerful way to create or transform a space, add to that all sorts of queer folks engaging in something as intense and celebratory and body-centric as dancing, and the potential for something very beautiful and wild opens up. Also, I really don’t know how to be social unless I have a specific task – so DJing is a challenging and fitting way for me to have a task and still connect and interact with people.
Worst thing that could happen to you during a set:
Cops, equipment failure – but I think we need to knock on wood at the end of this question!
Which do you prefer: CD player, Turntable or lap top?
Laptop and turntables
Who is your DJ hero?
DJ Kentaro – he has such a great sense of melody and limitless imagination.
Favorite venue to spin at:
Love the sound at the Barbary, the vibe at the Bubblehouse. A big living room with nice hardwood floors.
What song do you wish you could play but NEVER will?
I Am Stretched on Your Grave. Though never is a strong word. I probably will never play it at the monthlies I’m doing right now…
Favorite Philly event that you don’t spin at:
Current song you can’t stop listening to:
Benni E. Mixtape, Sgt. Sass Mixtape, Day ‘N’ Nite by Kid Cudi
Favorite old school song:
"Alright" from Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation.
Where can we find out more about you?,,
Now until May: The Barbary – The Break Off – April 30th, The Bubble House – Make Yr Break – May 10th, Johnny Brendas opening for yo majesty with Benni E May 15th
DJ Kit
Location: Philthadelphia
How did you come up with your DJ name?
I originally wanted to be ‘DJ Free Beer’ but though folks might get pissed by a misleading flyer. DJ Kit, well, that was my second choice.
First song ever spun for the masses:
It was probably a song off Los Angeles by X, back when I was only really doing punk sets.
Worst song anyone has ever requested:
The Electric Slide, I mean seriously people.
What is your motivation to DJ?
A love for music, but the free beer aint bad.
Worst thing that could happen to you during a set:
My girlfriend turning off all the power to the DJ booth, while trying to charge her digital camera.
Which do you prefer: CD player, Turntable or lap top?
I use CDs a lot now, because they are easier to transport and don’t get ripped up as much when you are spinning at a crappy bar, but I love to play vinyl.
Who is your DJ hero?
So many. There are a ton of super talented and fun women DJs in Philly. As a young DJ I would always go out to hear Cozmic Cat and Lucky 7 spin, because they would play whatever the hell they wanted and create this amazingly playful atmosphere, which I loved. I also really like listening to Just Jess and The Baraness.
Favorite venue to spin at:
XO is fun and I like TPDS, because you can reach the giant marionette controls from the main DJ booth. That’s a good time.
Favorite Philly event that you don’t spin at:
Hands down, Sundae at Bubble House.
Current song you can’t stop listening to:
Martin Solveig’s remix of Cabo Parano
Favorite old school song:
Skee-Lo’s ‘I Wish’
Where can we find out more about you? and and DJ Kit or FUSE party on myspace.
The Baraness
Location: I live in Bella Vista neighborhood near the Italian Market.
How did you come up with your DJ name?
A very dear friend of mine gave me the name. It was rather obvious to him since my last name is Baran! You think I would’ve thought of that! Thanks Jakey!!
First song ever spun for the masses:
The first record that inspired me to spin for the masses was "Spin, Spin Sugar" by The Sneaker Pimps. That record turned me out the summer of 1997 and it’s been a love affair ever since!
What is your motivation to DJ?
My motivation to DJ is the love that I have for the music. I love the music so much. In fact, I think that house music may just be the love of my life. I’m very blessed to have a vehicle to communicate and spread the love and joy to others that house music fills my heart with. Nothing is more inspiring than bringing people together and watching them lose themselves in the music. I love those magical moments most of all!
Which do you prefer: CD player, Turntable or lap top?
I can spin it all! Vinyl, CD’s and I love my new Serato program for my laptop. I think that more know about your craft makes you more of a driving force and asset. The music industry is changing and it’s important to adapt and learn as you progress as an artist. Being able to adapt to change makes you more creative and a better DJ.
Who is your DJ hero?
Ben Watt is my DJ hero! Every time I see him spin, he brings tears to my eyes. His sets are so emotionally moving and awe inspiring that just rocks me to the core!
Favorite venue to spin at:
My favorite venues to spin at in Philly are my Friday residency at Sister’s called 12” Happy Hour and Sundae at The Bubble House. I love the diversity of the crowd and I have the creative freedom to take risks and really put myself out there.
Favorite old school song:
On the old skool tip, it’s hard to nail down one favorite tune but, nothing gets me going more than hearing Cheryl Lynn’s "Got to Be Real". My inner diva just goes wild and rips up the dance floor!!
Current song you can’t stop listening to:
I’m totally obsessed with the tune "Dreaming About Tomorrow" by Rupeski ft. Melanie Blatt. It’s a deep house tune that’s been out for sometime now but, I just can’t get enough of it still.
Where can we find out more about you?
You can check out what The Baraness is up to on:
Location: South Central Philadelphia
How did you come up with your DJ name?
When I used to spin for girL Party, the promoter at the time (Luca Stone) told me I should come up with a DJ name she can put on the website. Took me awhile to come up with something, but I tried to think of why it was I start to do this and what it meant for me to add this activity to my life. For years, I’ve had a 9 to 5 day job where I’m surrounded by traditionally mainstream and somewhat conservative types and one that is based in the sciences, though I try to include creative approaches to what I do. DJing was a chance to shake off some of that environment and exercise my creative side, as well as breathe new life into the music that I would typically hear whenever I went out to dance and socialize. I was looking for a name that would say all that for me. The concept of the "Phoenix" rising from the ashes represented that positive and long-stifled transition in my life, as well as the type of music that I wanted to add to some of the local women’s events.
First song ever spun for the masses:
I think it was either "So Fresh, So Clean" by Outkast or "Rock N Roll" by Mos Def.
Who is in charge of the car radio when you are traveling with others?
Much of the time it’s me, but that’s mostly because I currently don’t own a car and frequently find myself in the front passenger seat because of my long legs.
Worst song anyone has ever requested:
Hmmm…maybe some really old school Madonna, or Bon Jovi.
What is your motivation to DJ?
I want to offer people the same music that I would want to dance to and it allows me to invite people to take a journey with me.
Worst thing that could happen to you during a set:
I have double couples of all my CD burns, so perhaps accidentally repeating a song that I just played a few minutes ago. Worst thing that HAS happened: Someone else coming into the booth to plug in their camera battery and having them accidentally cut the power to the whole show in the middle of a really hot song—only, the crowd (who’d started to moan and groan loudly) thought it was me because the culprit was sight unseen.
Which do you prefer: CD player, Turntable or lap top?
They all have their advantages. I respect the hell out of those who spin vinyl; I used to do half my sets in vinyl. I use CDs, because they’re so much cheaper, easier to transport and different decks offer so many different digital music effects. I haven’t used a laptop (except at home), but those who do can bring their whole damn collection to an event and still mix and spin through vinyl because of programs like Serato. Nice option.
Who is your DJ hero?
Philly’s own Rich Medina, formerly "Big" Rich Medina. He used to do a weekly party at Fluid called Afrorican Vybe that just made everyone lose their minds. Every time I hear him, he moves me—physically and spiritually. It’s like going to church . . . and since I don’t do that, I suppose that’s really the time that I worship—life.
Favorite venue to spin at:
Actually, private parties because the people are much more accessible. For public spaces, XO has been pretty cool, but I’d love the chance to spin Fluid.
What do you wish you could play but never will?
Honestly, I don’t regard anything I have as being off limits and, besides, never is an awfully long time. At one of these gigs I hope to start fitting in some slow drags.
Favorite Philly event that you don’t spin at:
The "Sundae" party at the Bubble House.
Current song you can’t stop listening to:
"Breathe Me" by Sia.
Favorite old school song:
Too, too many to name, but one of my favorite ones to play is "All I Do" by Stevie Wonder.
Where can we find out more about you?
This week’s PGN. Eventually, the MySpace page that I’m just beginning to build. When it’s done, it’ll be under "phoenixinrhythm." Gigs—"FUSE" at XO every 3rd Saturday; and "…Any Questions" every last Thursday of the month, now at Rum Bar at 20th and Walnut.
Just Jess
Location: Philadelphia
How did you come up with your DJ name?
I wanted to use something involving my name, and my last name is way too long, so I decided to use something involving my fisrt name. That was the first thing that came into my head. Its catchy I guess.
First song ever spun for the masses:
Wow…that’s a tough one. I guess the first house track I remember playing at one of my first shows was Quiet Nights by Andy Caldwell, or maybe Lovely by Soulstice. Something deep. When I first started, I played a lot more deep house than I do now. I find my tastes in what I play shift pretty often, but right now I’m into playing a lot of techy minimal house, or really jackin’ Chicago stuff. I also enjoy playing hip hop and Baltimore Club occasionally. I feel that it’s important to play everything so you can always please the crowd, no matter what the venue.
Who is in charge of the car radio when you are traveling with others?
Usually me. Good thing my girlfriend and I have similar tastes in music.
Worst song anyone has ever requested:
To be completely honest, I don’t like requests at all. I think you should let the DJ control the night. If the DJ is good, they take you on a journey through their set. I guess the worst is when people request Beyonce or Bob Marley when I am playing a house set, and clearly there is no chance of either of those happening.
What is your motivation to DJ?
I love to make the crowd move. It’s a great feeling when you look out on the dance floor and see everyone dancing to your music. It brings people together, and creates an atmosphere where people can let go and have a good time. There’s so much bad music out there, and opening people’s eyes to house music and other forms of electronic music is amazing. Its positive music and it gets inside your soul.
Worst thing that could happen to you during a set:
I’ve definitely played some sets where bad thing have happened. With DJ’s playing on so many different types of media now, sometimes things happen and not everything works properly. One of my needles quit on me during a set once, and I played once when the whole system shut down. All kinds of bad things happen. It’s stressful at the time, but it makes for a laugh and a story later.
Which do you prefer: CD player, Turntable or lap top?
I am a purist and I only play vinyl. Although it is super heavy, and sometimes it is not always easy to find what you want unless you order online, I feel like its the way it started, and that’s how I’m gonna continue playing. There is nothing like going through the record store and digging through the crates and finding that record you have been searching for. Plus, no matter what technology they come up with, it will never feel or sound as sweet as vinyl.
Who is your DJ hero?
My dad was a house DJ in the early 90’s, and I remember him playing down in the basement of my house and going to play at the clubs at night. I still play on the turntables he used, and his speakers. I find myself getting the same feeling he used to get when he got new records or found a track he really loved. It’s pretty cool. Besides my Dad, the other DJ’s that made me want to play are Derrick Carter, Stacey Kidd, Mark Farina, and John Larner.
Favorite venue to spin at:
I think it’s a tie. In Philly, my favorite venue to play is Fluid. The system is awesome, and the monitors are in great spots so I can always hear what I’m doing. I recently played Ultrabar in DC, and I think that’s a close second for the same reasons. I got my start at The Dive here in Philly, so that place will always hold a special place in my heart as well. My favorite party to play is Fuse.
What do you wish you could play but never will?
I love to play drum and bass, but I only play it at home. I can’t see myself playing it out.
Favorite Philly event that you don’t spin at:
Tasty Treats at Fluid. When I moved here from New Orleans, that was the first event I went to, and it’s still my favorite party here in the city.
Current song you can’t stop listening to?
My favorite track right now is – Pick up what I’m Putting Down, the Derrick Carter remix.
Where can we find out more about you?