Meet the Contestants for Mr Gay US 2010

Miss Information sees al and knows all. I’m a gossip queen that keeps your fellow Philly homos informed!

Hello my little man hunters! Miss Information is back with some juicy news about a beauty pageant not to be missed.

Now I know the cold is coming, you can feel a nip in the air and no one wants to go out, but trust me, this is one event not to be missed. Hot boys, famous stars, and a few fabulous drag queens. What’s not to love?

So here is the gossip – On November 13, Philadelphia will host a bevy of hot and sexy boys from around the nation at the US Mr Gay Competition. That’s right, for all those that loves the sexy boys at the Mr Philadelphia contest, now we have boys flying in from around the country to compete in our fair city.

We have held the Mr Philadelphia contest for 4 years, picking the hottest of the hot to represent the city of brotherly love in the national competitions. We have been very proud of our sexy local boys! Here is a quick flash back to the sultry winners of Mr Gay Philly Past!

Andrew Petruzelli
John Caputo
Charlie Biggs
The image

Oh they are each so cute and sexy and have all gone on to work and play in the Philly gay community. Andrew is the executive chef at one of my favorite hangouts, Knock. John is the manager of an amazing bar called Q Lounge, Charlie is a trainer at the gayest gym in Philly, 12th Street Gym and Ryan will proudly represent us this year at national competition! Oh and fellas….not only are they sexy, but according to their facebook, they are all single too! Well, except for Ryan, but 3 outa 4 aint bad!

So what does it take to represent the entire country? Well Miss Information flew all the way to Huntington Beach to talk with the 2009 winner, Adam Boyles. And here is what he said about his experience:


"I competed and won for the Us Mr Gay Title and it was amazing! I had never done anything like that before in my life and I never thought I would have won the title. Honestly I thought like it sounded like a lot of fun so I went for it with the idea of just having a good time and I did!

"The best part about being Us Mr Gay has been showing people that just the every day, regular guy can be gay and do a lot of positive things for the community. By just being a role model for other LGBT youth it helps people have confidence to be comfortable with who they are, no matter how they may identify themselves.

"The best advice I can give to the current contestants is…just be yourself! Don’t feel like you have to impress anybody or try to give off a certain “vibe” or “look”. By being genuine and confident in who you are is key to being somebody who can help build a better bridge to the community and help promote equality for our community.

— Adam Boyles, Huntington Beach, CA, 2009 US Mr Gay

Well now the boys have a little insider information. Of course if anyone knows hot to pick a hot guy it is that fabulous and sexy host for the evening Ms Brittney Lynn. This hard working diva has ben ripping drag for about 150 years now but trust me, doesn’t look a day over 110! As the hardest working drag queen in Philly – and it show, she has figure out what it takes to be Mr Gay US! We talked to her about what we can expect from the show and the boys.


"You know me Mary, I always bring my A-game for Mr . Philadelphia…but now that it’s a National competition, it gives me the opportunity to sleep with contestants from all over the country, and not just the locals here. I’ll be doing lots of yoga, flexing both my mind as well as my body, so that I can totally open myself up to these guys and give them a truly memerable experience during this event. The show should be cool too…

"To represent the country, these guys should have the complete package, or what I call the median qualities – so good looking that everyone notices him as soon as he enters a room and instantly starts spreading rumors about him, but not so amazing that he wouldn’t let me give him a reach around at last call if there’s another hottie on the room. Smart enough that he can be witty and funny and make me laugh, but just knows I’m funnier and doesn’t hog my mic. And, of course, gay – not walking a unicorn on a leash while throwing glitter gay, but just gay enough to make my parents question his sexuality when I bring him home for the holidays as "my special friend."

— Brittney Lynn, Host of the Mr Gay US Contest

Thank you Miss Brittney, but now I have some competition to go after these boys. Step back, or I’ll cut ya! Then again there are more then enough boys to go around.

Of course Brittney won’t be the only B-List celebrity in the house. Sirius OUT Q radio star, Frank DeCaro with co-host for the night. Plus some famous..and not so famous judges including Ryan Nickalus and TJ Kelly, from Logo’s hit show, The A-List: New York , gossip columnist Michael Musto, celebrity stylist and reality TV star David Evangelista, four-time Emmy-winning television producer Terence Noonan, and Paper magazine’s editor Mickey Boardman. In addition to amazing judges, drag diva Navaya Shay and the Philadelphia Freedom Band will headline performances between rounds of competition, along with vocalists Alexandra Rush, Jeff Vitelli, Thom Sirkot and Cherry Pop.

And don’t forget the guys, the reason we are all here. We want the hot body contest to begin! We wanted to make sure that YOU knew all about the boys. So Miss Information got out her carry on luggage, and tossed out all her liquids and flew around the country to talk to these ripped muscle boys. Yes, my children, I do this for you! Here is why THEY think they would make a good US Mr Gay:

Anthony Blaze – Mr Chicago

I think my city brings a lot of opportunity and diversity. I think Chicago is a city that is liked by many and a city that is a must see when traveling. Chicago can be like any other city that has many things to offer but many that I meet say it’s a different city that they enjoy returning to. I proudly represent Chicago and will bring what Chicago has to offer to Philly.

Life experience as a gay man has made me the perfect candidate for Mr. Gay US. I’m 31 and have experienced pretty much everything that a gay person has to experience. I have traveled to many countries and have observed the gay culture across the globe. I often participate in gay fundraiser’s to help out organizations raise funds. I am the “go to” person when one seeks advice or help. I keep an open mind and find the best solution to any situation. I don’t care for the label or gay or straight. It’s best to all be ourselves and leave out the labels.

Eddie Rabon – Mr Columbia

My city, Columbia, SC, doesn’t actually have a Mr. Gay contest. After SC Senator Jim Demint’s recent remarks about how those who identify as gay and lesbian shouldn’t teach our students, I thought participating in Mr. Gay USA as Mr. Gay Columbia was a great way to say "hey, we’re a valuable asset to our education system!". I work in a private K-12 school, and know that my contributions to the lives and learning of our students is valuable.

It’s such an important time politically for the LBGT community right now, with the actions surrounding "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell", the epidemic of LBGT suicides, and gay marriage rights (or lack there of), our community needs someone who’s ready, more than willing, and wants to be an advocate to show that we (the LBGT community) are an extremely viable and valuable part of society in our country. I’ve got my running shoes on; I’m ready!

Aaron O. Alexander – Mr Washington DC

I really think that I’ll bring a sense of passion seeing as how DC is a very passionate city, whether it’s about politics, the arts, or food! I have many passions so that allows me to immerse myself in a lot of different aspects of the community. I also like to think of myself as a "people person" I’ve always worked in an environment or partied in an environment where I can be extremely social. I can talk to and hang out with anyone as long as you are kind and respectful. To me it’s all about respect and diversity!

I believe in diversity and the acceptance of each individual for who they are. Being someone of mixed decent and being blessed with the ability to just respect an individual for who they are is something I am very great full for. One of my main concerns within the gay community is that we are fighting so hard for equality and the rights that we deserve, but within our own community we do not accept each other for who we are. DC being a very "gay" but quite conservative city; if you were an outsider looking in you wouldn’t necessarily feel all that welcome right off the bat and I feel like we are a place in the US that a person should feel the MOST comfortable being themselves. It’s complicated to say the least , but I would like to think that I wouldn’t just be representing the gay community but ALL aspects of being gay or queer or whatever you want to say. I’m friends with gay, lesbian, straight, bi, transgendered individuals and everyone who falls within the "gray area" of labels. I believe we have to have equality and respect within our own community before the rest of society really starts to get it. So I think my love of diversity and acceptance makes me Mr. Gay US.

Diego Dosse Catalan – Mr Fire Island, NY

I am not unique yet I am authentic and original and my values and principles along with my experiences and views are my best assets to bring to the event.

I am a leader that is more then willing to serve as ambassador and spokesperson to US Mr Gay and the causes they stand for. I am equipped with a set of strengths such as consistency, initiative, courage, charisma and a personality that allows me to relate to most walks of life if not all.

Clint Hayes Hudler – Mr Nashville

As most everyone knows Nashville is “Music City”. There is talent everywhere you throw a rock! We were also voted one of the nicest cities in the US. I really hope to bring some of that creativeness and Southern charm to the competition I feel no matter what, we will how have an amazing time together!

I began to volunteer for LGBT friendly organizations at the age of nineteen while still in the Army and stationed at Fort Campbell, I remember having to change out of my uniform at the venue just so I could make it in time. No matter who wins I just hope they have a passion to change the world, because we can not sit here and wait for it to change. We have to stand together and demand it to.

Andrew Michael Adorno – Mr New Brunswick

I will offer plenty of unique qualities such as my Jersey attitude, my intelligence, and my unique mix of nationality, Italian and Puerto Rican.

My ability to relate to the entire gay community; I grew up just like every other gay having to battle misunderstandings within the community and within myself. I feel as though I am good example of someone who has overcome prejudice because I maintain goals despite it. I love meeting new people and relating to experiences that they have dealt with in their lives. I am a very understanding person, and believe in the civil rights of the gay community, so I feel that I would be a great voice and leader as Mr Gay US.

TyRon “TJ” Jackson – Mr Orange County

I’m proud of my title as Mr. Gay Orange County, and everyday I serve knowing that I have a platform and it’s a privilege to represent the O.C, and it’s simply amazing. I’m Fun, Unique, & and a great leader. People will see my desire to put Unity in the Community, while thinking outside the norm/box.

I feel one of the qualities Mr. Gay US should have is the ability to appeal to all types of people, not just the gay community, but to everyone. That’s a gift that God has given me. And I use it. I break barriers and think outside the box. My heart is for people. Being Mr. Gay US is not just a title, but a responsibility. That’s a responsibility I can handle!

Ryan – Mr Philadelphia

Given the alarming national trends in gay youth, it is important that we, as gay men, continue to counter stereotypes and encourage future generations. I am proud to be one of many members of the gay community that can provide an example of an adult living a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life.

A more personal characteristic that I bring from the City of Philadelphia is drive and determination. I work hard in all that I do and am especially motivated in the efforts to support the message of US Mr Gay. As a Philly boy, I carry my love for the city and people of Philadelphia no matter where I go.

While we all enjoy seeing a well toned body in a sexy swimsuit, I believe that the Mr. Gay competition is about even more than that. The competition is an opportunity to showcase gay males who are well rounded individuals and I believe that I represent this image well. All who know me will be quick to tell you that I am a successful, driven, smart and of course, well dressed. I feel these traits synch well with the characteristics that Mr. Gay USA should portray. I am so proud to be included in the competition and would be honored to represent our Nation as your Mr. Gay USA.

Michael Brown – Mr San Digo

I like to think I embody not only San Diego, but all of California, as I’m equal parts SF, LA, San Diego. I grew up in the Bay Area and have now lived in San Diego for years and I think that balance of lifestyles is more special than anything I can bring from just one city.

I am a longtime community activist and a fairly good looking guy, so that’s a good start…but I won’t spoil just yet what I think makes me the next U.S. Mr. Gay. You’ll find out with the judges :)

Derek James Brocklehurst – Mr San Francisco

To me, San Francisco is the city of open arms and few boundaries. Living here has taught me to carry little judgments about others and to live life to the fullest. I have been granted many opportunities to really reach out and give back to the community. I have worked and volunteered with local charity organizations and served marginalized populations. I will be representing San Francisco as a kind-hearted nurse with warm intentions who wants to save the world.

I am Mr Gay US because I am my unfiltered self. I have no regrets, I do not hold back what I am thinking, and I strive to be true to myself and to the ideals which I hold. Every human being on this earth is created equal and deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, from the man sleeping on the street in the Tenderloin to the former CEO of Ebay. I try to make people’s lives just a little bit better in my daily interactions with them as friends, family members, patients, or strangers on the street. I ride the AIDS Lifecycle to fight HIV/AIDS. I voluntarily treat male populations at a sexual health clinic on sunday nights because, hey, everyone likes sex and could use some education on the “safer” aspect. I work as a nurse with infectious disease patients because no one likes debilitating conditions. I am Mr Gay US because I’m a gay man who lives his life like anyone else.

Charlie Biggs – Mr Rehoboth Beach

I have been going to Rehoboth Beach for a couple years now and look at it as one of my favorite beaches on the east coast. I believe I bring my fun, outgoing, and friendly personality to the beach just like I will represent in the competition this year. Along with a beach body to represent one of the best beaches in the US.

I think I make a great Mr Gay US because of my on-going role in supporting the community, my personality, my work ethic, my body, charisma, and positive additude.

Michael Probe – Mr New Hope

I definitely want to draw attention to the youth in the gay community – the kids that are brought down and teased and even at extremes, kicked out of their houses for just being themselves. I don’t have anything specific in mind yet, but there are a few organizations I will be talking to in the near future.

My favorite aspect of New Hope’s gay community is that the entire city is accepting of all different lifestyles and beliefs. I think that’s reason enough to say it’s a town everyone needs to experience. As for Philly, I like how the gay community is such a close group. I mean, the Gayborhood is only a few square blocks, but it’s packed with bars and stores and restaurants where it seems everyone knows everyone! Ellis Roderick – Mr Allentown

I believe I am bringing maturity, individuality, experience and integrity. Being the oldest competitor in this competition allows me to bring these qualities. Through life’s experiences I have gained the knowledge and experience to uphold the Mr Gay US mission statement which is: “Advocate International Equal Rights by confirming the essential nature and contributions of gay men to a healthy society where “gay” is not a stereotype.

I poses the qualities, desire and respect that is needed to be the spokesperson for such a wonderful organization.  Currently, being a title holder has given me the opportunity to speak out on equality on a local level  through my numerous local appearances.  It would be a great honor to have the opportunity and privilege to be able to speak out on a national level.  With society affecting our younger generation as it has recently, I feel I would be an excellent role model and spokesperson. I believe one voice, if given the opportunity, has the ability to make a difference.

Other contestants we weren’t able to reach in time for the article
Victor – Mr Asbury Park
James – Annapolis, MD
Omar – Miami, Fl
Mario – Mr New York
Pedro – Mr Long Beach, CA

Noah Scully – Mr Virginia Beach



Friday, November 12, 2010
Meet & Greet – Featuring a Preliminary Question and Answer Round – All Contestants
Tickets will only be sold at the door for this event.
Q Lounge + Kitchen – 13th & Locust Streets – Philadelphia

Saturday, November 13, 2010
The show will be hosted by Frank Decaro and Ms. Brittany Lynn and feature celebrity judges Michael Musto, David Evangelista, Mickey Boardman, Terence Noonan – more judges to be announced on Thursday, November 4th.

Plus, PhillyGayCalendar will be on hand to take photos, tweet and post to facebook all about the contest live – so follow us to get the scoop!

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