Hello! I’m back with some amazing workouts to get your hot body in the best shape and ready for the summer. I hope you enjoyed my first article and that you did the complete bottom up routine.
If you enjoy sex, you probably enjoy working out as well. A work out such as sex requires a steamy warm up, body lubrication, and ends with satisfaction (naughty). There is a part of our body that we’d love to have it bigger, thick and meaty… our chest, but having a nice toned chest does not consist on lying down on the bench and doing bench presses like a maniac. I have seen many people bench-pressing at the gym and not performing the work out correctly. There is a group of muscles that works as primary muscles and stabilizers in every workout. It is very important to know that to perform a great chest work out, you need the help and strength of other secondary muscles as a stabilizers. But explaining each one of those muscles would take some time and I know you are ready to work out and look HOT. So let’s get SWEATY…
Start doing some cardio to warm up the body, such as 10 min jogging, jump rope, biking, or any other cardio exercise that you feel comfortable with. Now, LET’S do some core work out that also involves a chest warm up.
PLANK PUSH UP. Get in plank position with your elbows at a 90-degree angle; push up off the ground with one arm and then the next, squeeze the abs as you push up, lower your body to plank position and then lead with the other hand, perform 3 sets of 20 reps.
If you want to add a little bit of challenge to the Plank Push Up, you can perform a push up (Plank Walk with Push Up) when the elbows are off the floor at a push up position, then get back to a plank and so on.
SIDE PLAN-PUSH UP WITH ROTATION. This warm up works your chest, triceps, anterior deltoids and core. Start in push-up position, with your feet one foot apart, your back in neutral alignment and core tight! Perform a push up, then rotate out to your right and position your right foot behind your left foot, raise your hand to the side plank position. Get back down and do a push up and then switch to the other side.
Are we ready for the CHEST WORK OUT? Lets do it!
BENCH PRESS: Lie on a bench, holding a barbell above your chest so that your arms are directly above your collarbone. Arms extended, shoulder blades and feet flat, neutral spine position. Grip the bar so that your hands are wider than your shoulder width in an overhand grip. Lower the barbells to your chest, finishing on above the nipple line, extend the arm to push up to the ceiling until returning at starting position and repeat. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 Rep.
INCLINE BARBELL PRESS. Lie on a 45-degree bench; hold a barbell above your chest, so your hands, arms and shoulder are vertical. Your arms should be extended, shoulder blades and feet flat, and your spine in neutral position, with a wide and overhand grip. Lower the barbell until it touches your upper chest, just below the collarbone, extend your arms to push up to the ceiling until returned to starting position and repeat. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 Rep.
DIPS. This is another amazing exercise that targets primarily the chest, together with triceps and shoulders, using the parallel bars or dip bar, hold your body above the bar with your arms locked up. While breathing in, lower your body with your torso leaning forward less than 45 degrees, your elbows should flare up slightly until your feel a mild stretch on your chest, once your feel the stretch, use your chest to bring your body back up to the starting position while breathing out and repeat. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
Note. It’s very important to be careful when bench pressing and lifting heavy weight, if you are a beginner, start with lighter weight until you become an expert. If you are medium to advanced lifter, don’t push yourself too hard and get the help of a spotter, ask for one hand or maybe two, to the guy working out on your side, you may end up making a new friend…Always use collars on the bar. Warm up is fundamental, and don’t let your ego take over. Know your limits. If you are not a member of a gym and don’t have the equipment to work out at home, variations of push-ups are always good to keep your hot chest toned, you can also do chest suspended dips using two chairs or bar stools. Enjoy your work out!
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