If you’re a regular guest here at Sex with Timaree, then you know about the Slutwalk. You know the history,what the movement is about and why you should be super flippin stoked to be a part of this awesome movement that has swept major cities across several North America and Europe. And we’re extra stoked to be the first media outlet in Philadelphia to receive the date and location of the upcoming Slutwalk Philadelphia (August 6th, starting in Kahn Park at 11 am)!
But don’t fear if you don’t already know what Slutwalk is about. Today’s super phenomenal interview subject is Hannah Altman, the Executive Organizer of Slutwalk Philadelphia. She’s taken on the arduous task of coordinating logistics, volunteers, activists, permits and marketing for this event, all while on summer break from school. She’s impressive, to say the least. Hear her discuss the origins of the movement, how you can get involved and more.
And join the Slutwalk movement. If you believe that the responsibility and shame for sexual assault lies with the assailant and not the survivor, you are part of this movement. If you believe in sex positivism, communicating honestly about what you want and don’t want and treating people with respect, no matter how much sex they have, you are part of this movement. If you’re a proud slut, a survivor, an ally or just someone who likes marching and holding signs, you should be a part of this event.
Questions? Comments? Violent reactions? Email sexwithtimaree@gmail.com See more at http://sexwithtimaree.com and http://www.facebook.com/sexwithtimaree