At first, he was resistant to sit down and talk to me because he felt that it could look too self serving. While I say bring on the heaping helpings of self servings, he is not that guy, just a somewhat shy, regular guy who somehow has found himself organizing the gay community for 8 years now. I told him to think on it, maybe ask his friends what they thought (they were all about it) and let me know. A few days later, I was on a date with one of Philadelphia’s most eligible bachelors.
PGC: How did this happen? How did you start the site?
Steve McCann: It happened purely by accident in 2004. I was living in the city but most of my friends were still living in the suburbs. They would count on me to find out what was going on in the community for that week and email them. As time went on, I had at least 100 people I was emailing and it progressed into putting up a website. I would run around to all of the bars and various locations and grab fliers and anything else I could find to include in my weekly email. I put the site up so that people would know where to go, what was available.
PGC: Do you ever want to give up?
Steve: Everyday. (laughing)
PGC: Seriously, you exhaust me. Between having a full time job at Penn and attempting to have a life, I don’t know how you find the time to make it work, to let everyone know everything that is happening on the site, Twitter and Facebook and for no money, it has to be a labor of love. Who helps you?
Steve: I have about 12 people, writers, photographers and a computer programmer, that help with everything. I love it though, I love to volunteer and help the community. I want to do more of that with different organizations, I love to make things better, more accessible, obviously, more organized.
PGC: Sooooo, just to give the people a little background, you just had a birthday on Sunday. How old are you now? What is your relationship status? What are you looking for in a boyfriend? What did you want to be when you grew up?
Steve: I just turned 36 and am single. I want a fun, self supported adult with little to no baggage. (We both agreed that one of those wheelie carry on bags would be fine, but not a 10 piece matching Louis Vuitton set like NeNe Leakes was rocking on “Real Housewives of Atlanta” on her trip to S. Africa). If someone is looking for me to be their “sugar daddy”, I am not the one. Plus, I would be more like a “Splenda daddy” not a “sugar daddy”.
I went to Penn State for computer science but quickly switched my major when I realized that I would be couped up in a computer lab by myself. I then switched to Human Sexuality as a major, graduated with that degree and went on to become a teacher at University of Pennsylvania. I did that for a couple of years until they dropped the class from their curriculum.
PGC: What super power would you want? Yes, it is a lot, but we all want to know.
Steve: (He immediately answers) Mind Reading. (We then have an in depth conversation about how being able to read people’s minds might actually suck because even if someone really loves you, they are still going to talk shit about you in their head). I would say flying but that seems kind of obvious. (Another in depth conversation goes on with me fighting for flying, giving all the reasons why it would be awesome and who cares if people think you are obvious for picking it. I don’t believe we ever finished that conversation with him giving a firm answer).
PGC: When you are finally at home just able to relax, what is your go to thing?
Steve: Netflix. I am a big dork. I love horror and sci fi.
PGC: Recently, you started QVentures through Why and what is it?
Steve: We (he has two partners in crime with this one) were trying to set something up that didn’t revolve around the bar scene. We have gone ice skating, had a comedy outing, museums and the next thing will be The Flower Show. We try to have something going on monthly, if not more often.
PGC: What is next for you?
Steve: The website is in the final stages of a complete revamping and will be up soon. (I took a look at it on his phone and it looks gorgeous!)
We finished our lunch, he stuck me with the bill (I thought I was the lesbian) and we parted ways out into the gorgeous February day. On my way home, I thought about how I have known Steve for almost a year now, when he gave me a shot at writing for him, and I barely knew anything about him, but what I learned was not surprising. He is a selfless, motivated guy trying to bring all things gay to our community and he likes Star Trek (I knew it).
Steve is always looking for writers, photographers and anyone else that can help him to make organizing the community better, faster, funnier and more, more, more. Please contact him through the site if you want to take a shot at being creative and being involved.