Hey Drag Racers! This week, the queens had to bravely use their own voices to sing a "We Are The World" inspired melody.
Sashay: Ooooh girl! What the hell was that? In the words of Coco Montrese, "Hot garbage."
Chante: Girl, Coco Montrese doesn’t even get a say this week. SHE was hot garbage.
Sashay: Yes girl, yes. And how about the mini-challenge? I give these girls mad props for being able to beat their face in complete darkness.
Chante: I don’t know. I think Alaska may have gotten it the most right. Either that or maybe I was distracted by Ru’s view of the Pit Crew’s packages.

Sashay: Halle-Ru. Detox always gives plenty of face. I’m not gonna say that it’s good, but she gives it like a power top without any lube… you’re gonna get it whether you want it or not.
Chante: A power top without any lube? Oh heellllllll no, hontey. I’ma go ahead and disagree with that cray cray statement!
Sashay: Well, I can say that I am glad to see Jade go. She is not much of a performer, so Voyeur better not think about charging me to see that hot hairy mess.
Chante: She can take her rainbow bright hair and sashay all the way home….her and her terrible laugh.
Sashay: Agreed. Tell me Chante, who do you think needs to go next?
Chante: Thank you for asking, Sashay. My prediction is that Jinkx Monsoon or Alaska will be next to go. They’re both relying on funny schticks, but it ain’t gonna get them any sort of crown.
Sashay: I’m over them both. You would think Sharon Needles’ boo would be more entertaining. Her hair to the side, wiggle runway walk is so TIRED. As for Jinkx, she claims to be narcoleptic, but I haven’t even seen her fall asleep on the runway once.
Chante: Mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm. Well can we talk about Coco’s lip sync? Girlfriend may have been a whole hot mess this week, but her lip syncs are not to be reckoned with.
Sashay: Perhaps, but I just think Coco is cuckoo and I’m tired of her Colorform contacts.
Chante: Preach girl. Let’s discuss some highlights of the episode…first is Alyssa’s singing…Ru said it best when she said that Alyssa’s singing proved one thing…that she’s an amazing dancer. And Detox’s dress? Let’s just say…crack is back and THAT is THAT.
Sashay: Crack is whack. As for Detox, who knew she had so much work done? I guess we can’t all be born beautiful, some bitches gotta pay for it. All that money and she didn’t bother to get her nose done?
Chante: We can’t all be as gorgeous as Chante girl. So who are you hoping will make it to the final three?
Sashay: Detox, Alyssa, and… who am I kidding? I just want to see them get booted off one by one. You?
Chante: I think it’ll be Roxxxy Andrews, Detox and Alyssa Edwards. I don’t wanna jump the gun, but I’m betting on Roxxy for taking the whole kitten kaboodle.
Sashay: You mean kit and caboodle?
Chante: Sure, yep – that… I’m pretty.
Sashay: I guess that makes me the smart one with the nice ass. Can I get an Amen?
Chante: Umm, you don’t get props for the only one with a nice ass. And AMENT!