Recently divorced, 32 year old, pansexual female looking to find a good (not great, don’t want to be too picky) place that’s lively, inclusive, and sociable to have a great time. Yes, that pretty much summed up my Craig’s List ad, if I had one, for the past several months. I love living in Philly, but sometimes it can be challenging to overcome cliques and ever worse when you’re the “new girl”. It’s funny that many people, including some of my close friends still think I live in Jersey. I just wanted, no needed, a place I could go to sweat my hair out, take silly pics with my peeps, and feel SAFE. For weeks, I’d been eyeing Stimulus’ Back 2 Basics party. I hadn’t been to a Stim party since I worked for the Mazzoni Center a few years ago. So why not check out the party again? I was definitely convinced I had to go to the party last month when I saw it was at the favorite bar in the Gayborhood, Tabu! I could catch the 17, Orange Line, or a cheap cab and not have to worry about drinking and driving. Every South Philly girls dream! Heck, I could even bike if I wanted! But, let’s not get crazy, I have to stay super sexy for the party. And speaking of crazy…so was this par-TAY! It wasn’t was great! From the door I received much love from my dearest friends Rasta Boi Punany and Christian Lovehall. I knew it was going to be a great night. DJ Nikki Lopez was killing the turntables! I was anxious to hang my coat (yes they have coat check!), get a drink, and gyrate! On my first dance, Sam was there to take our pic..SAY CHEESE! Hope it was before I sweat my hair out! I must say I didn’t get the full Stim experience until my third drink, when I met Miss Ashley. She’s the absolutely stunning curly hair, smiling bartender serving spirits. To be honest, I had an incredible time at B2B and if you haven’t been yet, you’re definitely missing out!
Sooo of course I had to interview the dashing, brilliant and debonair Amber Hikes, to find out more about B2B. An event this diverse…this entertaining…this dope deserves more insight.
Why did you decide to name the party Back to Basics?
Amber: The party is named Back to Basics because its intention is to invoke the feeling and energy of the original Stimulus party. Over the years, Stimulus has grown significantly and with that success, we’ve had to move into larger venues and change the format to accommodate. Back to Basics is for people who are looking for the unparalleled diversity of a Stimulus party but are also interested in a more intimate party with great drink specials and nonstop dancing. In a nutshell, we’re getting back to the basics of Stimulus. No frill, no fluff…just beats and booze and a beautiful time. For this relaunch, I’ve changed the venue, tweaked the format and am focusing heavily on providing a space Philly does not currently have. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and I’m having a blast. The biggest compliments come from our Ride or Die Stimulus folks who have been there since 2009 and can’t get enough of this new party. It’s just so rewarding to hear how much they love it.
Why did you choose Tabu as your location?
Amber: Tabu is one of my favorite bars in the city. In terms of Gayborhood bars, I think it does a great job of being a welcoming space to the various facets of our community and that’s important. I wanted to choose a place that has been intentional about creating safe spaces for queer women and trans people. It’s my opinion that those groups in particular deserve a space that is our own, even if only for a night. As of right now, Tabu is the location. We’ve developed a wonderful relationship with that venue and they’ve been very accommodating with our events. That being said, you never know how the party will grow or how our needs will change so we’ll see!
Who’s your target audience?
Amber: This is a tricky question. B2B at its core is built for anyone who’s interested in a positive, diverse space with inexpensive drinks and amazing music. That being said, I’m keenly aware of this city’s need for more queer women spaces. It’s not something I take likely. With B2B, I took the guesswork and the science out of it. I simply designed the party I’d want to go to. And to be honest, a big part of that vision is providing a safe space for queer women and trans folks along with diversity across all lines. I believe strongly in creating spaces that serve and represent your own needs instead of waiting around for someone else to build it.
Is Stimulus and B2B two different type of events? If so, how?
Amber: Yes, Stimulus and B2B are two very different events. Some of that difference is by design and some of it is circumstance. For instance, there are things we can do at Stimulus that I can’t do at B2B and vice versa. The major difference between the two is venue. Since Stimulus is at Voyeur, we have so much more space for extras: go-go dancers, shot girls, games/contests, multiple djs, etc. While Tabu is certainly not as large as Voyeur, the smaller venue provides a more intimate dance party feel, inexpensive drinks, and an opportunity to just rage out and meet new people. They’re just very different parties and that’s a beautiful thing. It’s important to remember that neither of the parties is meant to be everything to everybody. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last 5 years, it’s that queer folks are harddddd to please. You’ll drive yourself crazy trying to be everything to everyone.
What’s your favorite part of the night during a B2B party?
Amber: I’m still in awe of this space and the energy it provides. There’s a lot of work that goes into creating these events but when it all comes together, it’s so worth it. It’s very easy to get caught in the insanity of event planning but I try to make it a point to just stop on the dance floor and take it all in. Those are the most rewarding moments. The place is packed with every color of the rainbow, people are laughing and dancing their faces off…the energy is absolutely electric. The best part though? When a group will be hanging calmly at the bar just sipping their drinks and DJ NiiLo drops a mind-blowing track out of nowhere. Impulsively, the whole group will run from the bar straight to the dance floor because they just can’t let the song pass without dancing. It’s so spontaneous and genuine. That’s my favorite…and I’m glad to say it happens a lot.
What can we expect at April’s B2B?
Amber: Back 2 Basics: April Antics is the 4th installment of the new party. We’ve got the best drink specials in Center City, amazing music, a fantastic venue and cover is only $5 before midnight. It’s this perfect booty-shaking, bass-thumping, heart-pumping Saturday night queer dance party that keeps you raging on the dance floor but always leaves your wallet intact. B2B is fun, it’s wild, it’s love. Can’t ask for anything more.
So did Amber’s answer totally answer my Craig’s List ad or what?! SAFE, DIVERSE, INCLUSIVE, BOOTY-SHAKING! Everything this pan girl could ask for! This month, don’t be a Debbie Downer scrolling through the Stim pics. Be in the pics! New year, New season, New YOU! See at B2B soon!