**We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for this important public service announcement**
Chante: Before I can even begin to talk about this week's episode, I've got to discuss the dropping of our beloved, "You've got She-Mail!" Frankly, I'm the eff outraged.
Sashay: I usually don't, but I'm gonna co-sign that.
Chante: Don't worry girl…I got good credit! Without getting too much into the weeds with this topic, my general feeling is that we need to be careful with how much we police our language. A word that is meant to be in good fun and not directed at any one person or group has been misconstrued to be an attack on the trans community.
Sashay: Agreed. These "activists" need to 1) consider the source and 2) understand that it is being used without malice.
Chante: We might as well not speak for fear of pissing someone off. RIP "You've Got She-Mail."
**And now back to our program**
And YOU get a car! And YOU get a car! This week the queens served up some talk show host realness.
Sashay: Alright hunty, can we just start with the expanded Scruff Pit Crew? Some of those boys were cute and some looked like they just pulled them off the side of the street. I get that everyone has different types, but whose type was the guy with all the back hair? Really Ru, you don't have it in your budget to wax that guy? You know I got High-Def, bitch.
Chante: I think she took "Scruff" too literally. If I wanted to see back hair, I'd go to jock strap night at the Bike Stop.
Sashay: Shout out to the Bike Stop! Moving on. This episode was set up to make you think Joslyn Fox was going to be gettin' the boot, so I was a little surprised when she wasn't in the bottom two. Surviving last week's elimination really gave her a false confidence.
Chante: Joslyn was definitely not on her game, but between her messiness and Trinity's constant flubbing of Chaz' name, either could've gone and I wouldn't care. Joslyn is on her way out very soon, and to Trinity's credit, her exit was extremely graceful.
Sashay: Yes, Trinity K. Bonet's looks were both on point. Her runway look was exceptional. She has shown a lot of versatility in her drag. In her defense, if you're a black kid growing up in Atlanta, do you really care who Chaz Bono is? Hell, if I didn't know a white dude's name, I would probably just go with Chad too.
Chante: Will the real Chad Bono please stand up? Okay, moving on. Can we talk about Courtney Act's runway look? It was HEAVENLY. She was ready to fly fly fly.
Sashay: Yes, she redeemed herself this week by winning the challenge. However, I think it's safe to say that none of these bitches will be getting their own talk show anytime soon.
Chante: Well BenDeLa was smashing this week, and frankly, I think she deserved the win over Courtney. Her runway look was on point too. But let's talk about the elephant in the room… Darienne Lake.
Sashay: Yes please. Bitch, an elephant, really? A little obvious, don't ya think? I wonder what Darienne would look like if she lost weight? Human? I'm gonna have to go in on her because she's been being a mean queen. To be honest, Darienne has plateaued. She hasn't won a challenge since episode three.
Chante: All Darienne has managed to do is make it clear how jealous of DeLa she is. She may have good face, but she ain't cute, she ain't funny and she ain't gonna win.
But more importantly…Bianca Del Rio. I mean, when can we crown her queen already???
Sashay: I really thought Bianca would have done better in this challenge… I blame the guests. I mean, who knew Cher had a mother? Speaking of people who would be a drag to talk to, can we talk about the Mouthbreather?
Chante: Adore was a total mess this week, but killed that lip sync. She deserved to chante.
Sashay: I have to disagree. The Mouthbreather is another one who seems to have plateaued. She should have been better at this challenge, due to her charm. However, just like her comedy challenge, she came off awkward and made the viewers uncomfortable. In addition, Trinity was right for calling her out on her Hot Topic version of drag. This bitch is as unpolished as a rusty tin can.
Chante: Okay well I think we can all agree that Adore Delano will not be crowned queen.
Sashay: Halleloo. And can Paula Abdul replace Santino?
Chante: Straight up now tell me…can I get an amen?
Sashay: Amen!
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