According to CBS News, about 45 million Americans diet each year. The weight loss industry currently grosses about $29 billion, which isn't actually bad because in 2004 we spent at least $46 billion! This includes diet magazines/books, diet pills, meal supplements, apps, gym memberships, and weight-loss surgeries. Each year over 108 million people go on a diet at least four times. A whopping 85% of the dieters are female.
Ladies, what's the deal? We've probably succumb to fruitless purchases because many of the products or services are marketed as a lifestyle, not a diet program.
I've been asked and even scolded sometimes about "breaking" my diet when I say I'm going to eat a slice of pizza, go to McFatty, or have a big fat Philly cheesesteak. I get a little annoyed because I am not on a diet. (Although I was for a few months last spring.)
But I've essentially made my new healthier eating habits a lifestyle and not by choice. Last Easter, I was forced by the wife to go for a regular checkup after about two years of convincing. Well that routine checkup turned into a nightmare from hell. Yes, a nightmare from hell. I was diagnosed with a severe stomach infection and had I waited any longer – well let's not think about that. On top of the infection, I had a bad case of acid reflux and had to go on 10 different medications – two of which were antibiotics. SICK! I couldn't eat any foods with acid. Everything has acid! Even broccoli!
So from there, I was forced to drink my food. I had a fruit smoothie for almost every meal. It was the only thing I could keep down anyway. After a while, I actually began to appreciate the smoothies and the way they made me feel: light, energetic, bright eyed, and actually full. Once I was cleared by the doctor, I continued my smoothies by replacing a full meal, usually breakfast. I'll have a granola bar or fruit as a snack and pack my lunch – no ordering out. I ate dinner at least three hours before I went to bed, so pretty much 9 pm is the cutoff, no exceptions. Before getting sick I did join a gym because I wanted to get in shape for my wife and now I'm just in shape and I feel great. I go to the gym or do some form of cardio a few times a week, not to just keep the calories off but to also because I like it as a stress reliever.
Some say diets are not supposed to last a lifetime. That's just absurd. I feel if you want to lose a few pounds for the high school reunion, wedding, or drag show then fine, diet for a few weeks, couple of months at the most. Don't let food become the bane of your existence. Simply eat healthier most of the time, because we all need our pleasantries. Modify your eating schedule, and add some cardio to your weekly schedule. Think outside the gym, like try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or sit on a yoga ball at your desk, walk instead of taking the bus for that eight block walk. See, it’s that easy. You can do that! Try it and holla at me. Till next time, ciao!