Sashay: This episode was epic! Never before have all the queens been reunited mid-season. Do you think Kennedy sabotaged Jaidynn Diore by partnering her with Tempest Dujour?
Chante: Queens everywhere…Siamese queens! It was a great episode. Finally something worth watching this season. I really don’t think Kennedy sabotaged Jaidynn…I think she was calculated in all her other pairings and then forgot about Jaidynn.
Sashay: Well, thankfully we can all forget about Jaidynn, now that she’s been voted off the island. Girlfriend was young and has some growing to do.
Chante: Yeah, Jaidynn was a solid human being. I liked her as a person, but she had to go…as did all the rest of those eliminated bitches. How do you feel about Trixie’s return?

Sashay: Trixie is the only one of those bitches who I would like to see more of. It was VERY clear in this episode why the other queens are no longer in this competition.
Chante: Trixie and Pearl really delivered a story line on that runway. Though I will say that Katya and Mrs. Kasha Davis were also pretty damn amazing as Atlantic City hags.

Sashay: Agreed, but I would add that Katya truly stole the show in her group. She is a comedic force to be reckoned with and in my top 3.
Chante: Agreed. Katya should not be discounted. She could very well take this competition. And as for Ginger Minj, she may have landed herself in the bottom two, but this is still her competition to win in my eyes. She was just stuck with Sasha Bell, who I frankly forgot until she returned.
Sashay: Yes, who among us hasn’t been stuck with a forgettable bottom? Also, did Untucked reveal that Jasmine Chompers lives 10 minutes away? This bitch was acting homesick when she’s a simple round-the-way ho? She is to drag what Leann Rimes is to judging – unwelcome!
Chante: Ru needs to up her guest judge game. This week was a snoozefest on that panel.
Sashay: Slow your roll girl. Who didn’t love seeing Lafayette on that panel? Yes, yes, all the day yes. It’s nice to see a straight guy on the panel. Who would you like to see up there, Chante?
Chante: He wasn’t Lafayette. He was boring ass Nelsan Ellis with not much to say. You just wanna sex him, and if thems the rules, then I wanna see Jake Gyllenhaal on that panel.
Sashay: Let’s start a petition to get hotter judges on the panel. Finally, I have to say that the greatest achievement of the night was Miss Fame finally getting head. Dumb bitch.

Chante: Seriously. How’s YOUR head Sashay? Busted?
Sashay: You’ll never be able to afford to find out. However, the complaints about yours are all over the bathroom stalls at the Bike Stop, Chanteeth.
Chante: You. Bitch. Moving on. We have seven queens left. Who’s the top three?
Sashay: Girl, the remaining queens are all here to win it. There are no queens left to easily pick off. I definitely have to go with Katya, Ginger, and the third.
Chante: I say Katya, Ginger and Large Marge.
Sashay: Who is Large Marge? Hunty, you ain’t even in this competition.
Chante: But why you gotta come for me, bitch? Ok Drag Racers…let us know who you think should join Ginger and Katya in the top three.
Sashay: And may the best queen win. Can I get an amen?
Chante: Amen!