If you’ve read any of my reviews you’ll know I’m a pretty sex positive person. I don't understand the stigma behind nudity or expression via sex. So when I heard about a new troupe that featured sexy boys stripping to their undies for the entertainment of a coed audience, you can bet your bottom dollar my ass was in a seat during their debut performance.
The tone for the evening was quickly set upon entering Franky Bradley’s. All audience members where given a pat down/ frisk by a shirtless security guard. I wasn’t quite sure if this was intended to be “hot” or an actual security measure, either way I’m not complaining. The theme for The Bearded Bros first Philly performance was “Back to School,” the show opened with a Magic Mike style group number during which the host/ MC for the evening (Ryan Michael) introduced the strippers by name and character. We got to meet the school nerd, bully, stoner, gym teacher, and super hero? After the introductions where done, each stripper performed a solo act, in which an audience member was brought on stage for a more intimate dance. The men moved in ways that can only be described as mesmerizing!
If the debate about the Gayborhood being racist is still going on, Bearded Bro’s would be on the right side of things; they did a fantastic job blending strippers of varying ethnicities. And speaking of blended, it was also nice to see a venue cater this kind of show to both women and men, enjoying the evening’s festivities together in unity. Complain all you will about bachelorette parties, they know how to have a good time… assuming they handle their wine coolers responsibly. My only complaint of the evening was the jealousy I felt watching the strippers give the women more attention than the men. The dancers clearly had preferences, but that’s fine, don’t we all?
The numbers themselves were well thought out and themed appropriately and the lag time between numbers wasn’t horrible, but a few of the games seemed to drag the night a bit longer than it needed to be. I was also a bit disappointed in the audience, they were a little too tight with their wallets when it came to tipping the strippers (have they never seen any representation of a strip club?). It may have been due to the “high” cover of $20. The cost is fairly standard for a strip club, but higher than any other cover in the Gayborhood. I watched 6 people walk away from the door when the cover was presented to them. If I could make a suggestion it would be a $20 cover in which $10 in singles is handed back to the patron with the directions of: “Tip. These. MEN,” people will almost always do what they’re told.
Will I go to the next Bearded Bro’s production? Probably. And I’ll definitely bring my girlfriends :)
Photos by Alexander John Photography