What can we say about Rudy Flesher (@njrugger45 – AKA Notorious OMG). His profile says it all. Queer, Comic & wordsmith, Actor, Social impact consultant, Pit bull parent, Vegan,Martha Stewart gone horribly wrong. What else could you ask for.
Some day’s he in a corset and glitter making a crowd laugh, other times he’s in a leather harness with friends and other times he’s fighting the good fight to change politics for the better.
Check out all the amazing glory that is Rudy Flesher
A photo posted by Rudy Flesher (@njrugger45) on
A photo posted by Rudy Flesher (@njrugger45) on
A photo posted by Rudy Flesher (@njrugger45) on
That thing where you go through your phone and find forgotten pictures with drag queens.
A photo posted by Rudy Flesher (@njrugger45) on
From the block party on Sunday celebrating the Annual Reminder Days. LOVE THIS QUEEN!
A photo posted by Rudy Flesher (@njrugger45) on