>Good Morning Kids!
They say that looking good is the best revenge.
These same “they” people I just referred to, also think that losing a gay job is the equivalent to losing a really bad, awful, gay boyfriend-they both took up way too much of your time, took away your energy, your friends all hated the two of you together, and you are usually much better off without the damned thing.
I’ve recently finished a long stint bartending at a place that was once known for it’s strong drinks and delightful, entertaining staff-and after being let go from this gayborhood, corner bar, I was quickly snatched up to work for another gayborhood “tavern” that actually lives up to the aforementioned statements-strong drinks and a staff that knocks it out of the park seven days a week-I’ve truly never worked with a funnier, more caring staff, and this path taken has made all the difference…
So what’s a gay gal to do with her newfound freedoms and even gayer lifestyle?
Get out into the gay hood and see what it has to offer to make her look and feel her best-so she will be totally glowing and outshining those she was asked to leave behind.
For cosmetic appeal, I asked makeup guru and Sephora rep to the stars, David Birdwell, what the best beauty product for the summer would be for us busy gals – “My favorite product for looking good this summer would have to be Stilla’s sun bronzer shade 02. It’s gorgeous, it makes you look fresh from the beach and sun kissed, not like Snooki lol- the texture is super smooth and easy to blend.”
And although I’m known for my fabulous (and super tall) wigs, Charlie Potje, owner of Charlie’s Salon, passed on this advice for this summer’s best look for those sporting their real hair – “The look for guys for the summer is nice and tight on the sides, a little longer on top and textured…For the ladies if your hair is long, put some angles around the face and do some medium to long layers.”
Check out Charlie’s salon online at charliesalon203.com or set an appointment at (215-923-3123, 203 S.12th St.)
Feed your body and soul this summer at Terra, located downstairs at Tavern on Camac. Owner and superstar entrepreneur Stephen Carlino, recommends his favorite dish – “The fettuccine with shrimp – It’s handmade fettuccine with shrimp, cherry tomatoes, green beans, squash, and olive oil.” Created and served by their chef, Eric Paraskevas, of the Food Network’s shows "Chopped" and "The 24 Hour Restaurant Battle", this light dish will get your belly full without all the heaviness of the usual alfredo drenched version of the meal. (Side note-for those who don’t mind a few extra calories, nothing beats the fried calamari with the orange remoulade, served up by Tommy D’s restaurant at Woody’s.)
Looking your best may entail…ugh…a workout-that’s right kids, lifting some metal to pump up your physique. Who better to ask about which road to take than one of the gayborhood’s favorite trainers, Charlie Biggs – "Want a hotter, healthier body? Burn calories, get more muscle, and be more defined this summer with this effective full body circuit. Perform four rounds of the following exercises with a weight you can fatigue at for 10-12 reps. Rest 60 seconds at the end of each circuit and repeat till you reach four rounds. This full body circuit works your legs, upper body, and core in 30 minutes.
"Perform in this order: Barbell/Dumbbell/Body weight Squats, Standing Dumbbell/Barbell Shoulder Presses (Push Presses), Plyometric Lunges, Incline Dumbbell Chest Presses, Plyometric step ups, Dumbbell Plank Rows, and Plank Ups.
"Rest 60 seconds and repeat the circuit 3 more times. You can YouTube all these exercises for proper form and technique or contact me. Remember to focus your nutrition around balanced meals of lean proteins, fiber, and healthy fats."
Charlie is a personal trainer, nutrition specialist, and fitness expert in Philadelphia. You can find HIM at 12th Street Gym, in – home training around Philly, or one of his boot camps in the city. All training and/or nutrition questions can be directed to him at charbiggs@biggsbuiltfitness.com, his fan page on Facebook is Char Biggs / BIGGSbuilt Fitness, or find him on Twitter @BIGGSbuilt.
When your body is created to your liking and you find that urge to show it off-the best place to unveil your package (so to speak) is at Bob and Barbara’s, 1509 South Street.
Lisa Lisa, Philly’s sexual-chocholate diva, can be seen hosting Philly’s longest-running drag show every Thursday night, and asking the boys and girls to dance for their drinks in between her "girls" hitting the stage. This show is a Philadelphia staple, and believe me, her milkshake brings ALL the boys to her yard, and the show always starts on time-11:15 pm. When asked why her show is the hottest spot for a weeknight drag show? "They come with less clothes lol." Lisa replied. You can also catch me there the second Tuesday of every month.
With Pride coming this weekend, I asked around to see where the best place place to be seen after the festival would be.
Bruce Yelk, producer of "Dragapalooza" and the "Mr. Gay Philadelphia and Mr. Gay National" events, as well as owner of Nightlifegay.com, gave me the answer – Triumphant Pride, this Sunday, held at Mad River, 126 Chestnut St. In addition to live music by Jade Starling (Pretty Poison, "Catch Me I’m Falling") and Oh My Josh, Triumphant Pride will also include numbers by Nightlifegay.com’s acclaimed "Dragapalooza Divas," the Smirnoff taste challenge, and water ice tiki hut. The doors open at Mad River 3 PM on June 12th. DJ Reenie Kane will take to the turntables at 4 PM, and the live performances will begin around 5 PM.
"I can’t wait for the 5th Annual Triumphant Pride celebration on June 12th at Mad River," said Bruce Yelk. "Jade Starling is an established superstar, and Oh My Josh is a rising star. To have both debuting their new singles live is an amazing way to celebrate gay pride weekend in Philadelphia." For all the details about Triumphant Pride, visit www.Nightlifegay.com.
And which summer tune will keep you dancing while you get your cardio on? I asked legendary DJ Carl Michaels what the kids will be strutting to – "Katy Perry‘s ‘Last Friday Night’ or Britney’s ‘I wanna go.’
So take a word of advice kids, from this panel of gayborhood superstars, and remember bikini season is upon us – are ya gonna do the two piece or the one-sie? Are ya gonna glow or wear a hat and sunglasses? It’s all up to you. And come visit me at my new haunts at Uncles for the daytime bisnezz lunch shift Tuesday-Thursday, at Q Lounge for Freaky Fridays every Friday night with Diana Dharling and Miss P., and Bob and Barbara’s on Thursdays with the occasional iCandy "Candy Shoppe" spot also on Thursdays with Salotta Tee and Shelita Buffet!
That’s all for now kids-and "That’s Gay!"
Love and lashes,
Brittany Lynn