I’ve become connected with a guy who has given himself the title of "Dessert King of Philadelphia", just because he can identify 4 different kinds of icing and because he’s got an addiction to cupcakes. I told him to call me after he’s had 150 people in his apartment doing a cookie taste test of the top 8 bakeries in Philadelphia. I’m referring to the great Christmas Cookie Reivew of 2010 or the Great Cupcake Warz. Until then, he can be the "Prince of Pastries" because the title’s been taken – bitches!
Ms Goody’s owner is a doll
Anyway, I digress, he did give me a nice suggestion, Ms Goody on Passyunk Avenue (the new South Philly Gay’borhood!), it’s in between Reed and Synder. PS. It’s really cute down there. If you’ve not been, you gotta check out the places to eat and shop. Metro is just one of the great stores in the new South Philly Gay’borhood. I went to Ms Goody’s, owned by Gigi, she’s a total doll. Now lemme tell you about Gigi, she’s a local Philly gurl from 7th and Fed’ral! One of the most down to earth, sweet women you’ll ever meet. She’s the heart and soul of the business. I could sit and tawk to her all day! She’s the kind of woman who needs to be proud of what she’s selling, my gut said, the sweets are gonna be bangin’.
Philly – We embrace "White Trash"
This bright pink shop has been open just under a year and has one of the most amazing names for a cupcake I’ve ever seen. "THE WHITE TRASH"! See I grew up in a house my pap built for my gram (with his own two hands) on a section of my great grandpap’s farm. Now, I would call us country folk, but the city folk call us "White Trash.", I wear that label proudly. Members of my family drink beer, listen to country music, may have dropped out of high school, have been teen moms, are missing teeth, and think that the Golden Corral is fine dining – BUT they’re good people. People who will never judge you for having a Lexus and not a Benz or for only living in the Rittenhouse Claridge and not Rittenhouse Hotel. They’re people who care about what matters! OY, enough about me and my people, this is about a cupcake. It’s vanilla cake with vanilla "icning" and yes, if you’re from Philly, it’s ICNING, topped with pretzels, marshmallows, and white chocolate chips. Schweet! Seriously look at that bad boy up close, you can see it was made with love.
I love that Philly keeps it so real that we embrace a cupcake named, "White Trash." Don’t worry, Ms Goody has 12 daily flavors, some are staples, other’s change. She also does specialty cakes for any occasion, I dare you to dream up one that she can’t make! Just have a seat on the patio furniture in the store and look at her book of cake photos, you’ll see! Sadly, she doesn’t serve PBR or Schlitz to go with your cupcake, you’ll have to take it home and select your own PWT beverage. [PBR – Pabts Blue Ribbon] – [PWT – Poor White Trash]
Maybe ask her to try the Cake Truffles – yeah, they’re cake covered in chocolate. I dare you not to fall in love! They were literally juicy, yes I said juicy!
Ms Goody
1838 Passyunk Ave