If you are familiar with “A Cockeyed Optimist” from South Pacific, you have pretty much my philosophy on life set to music. A Gay man whose theme song is from a Broadway musical score? Groundbreaking! Forever stuck like a dope with a thing called hope am I, and as I watch GLBT men and women go from misunderstood/disregarded clichés to respected, talented and professional people, I am awed to see it and experience it, live.
I think of it like an egg under the warmth of mama’s butt, just beginning to hatch. Currently there are some serious cracks in the shell, but the rare exotic result that will emerge still remains to be seen, perhaps even waiting to be realized. But, I digress.
There are plenty of Gay Travel Programs aimed toward groups to San Francisco, Provincetown or Curacao and this is very exciting to me. A couple of major and well respected hotel chains like Hilton and Marriott have come out with campaigns offering discounts for “Pride” events all over the world. As gay marriage becomes more and more common, romantic wedding destinations are beginning to vie for our business and they honestly seem excited about hosting us. We make the world “up its game”.
Most major airlines have departments totally dedicated to the GLBT market and this will only expand as our acceptance does. I believe most people want to like us but it has simply not in vogue until now. Surely you have noticed that some very fine men and women from all over the world in all walks of life are “coming out” with not a great deal of fanfare or notice. It is simply getting to be a matter of fact.
Many destinations with ultra religious (Bermuda/Monaco) governments or run by assholes (Russia) will be coming over to our side soon as we represent some pretty major business. We make a lot of money and spend a lot of money. We admire/appreciate and demand the best (or at least, the best we can get). We are not the common tourist by any means. If a gay man or straight man reviewed a destination, restaurant, or show, which one would hold more clout? We are developing our niche in the world but, do we really appreciate this yet?
THE BOTTOM LINE: Gay travel is being defined as we speak. Hotels, airlines, and tour operators are all putting out feelers in order to corner their share of our market and, make no mistake, “We” are most definitely a “market”. Respect and understanding come from many different places with one’s economic worth being one. Let me put it this way: who is going to “court” us with greater ambition? Gay Travel Suppliers or Duck Slayers? I’m much more excited about travel and Duck a l’Orange in Paris. But, that’s just me.
Clean Slate: A Groundbreaking Trans Comedy with Heart
Clean Slate brings humor, heart, and authentic LGBTQ+ representation to the screen. Don’t miss this must-watch comedy on Freevee!