Keep Your Allies Close
We demand our beloved celebrities’ use their huge star power to help us gain equality and civil rights, but spew venom the moment they do it on a grand stage.
We don't run the gay community, we just organize it!
We demand our beloved celebrities’ use their huge star power to help us gain equality and civil rights, but spew venom the moment they do it on a grand stage.
If you could form play-doh balls in preschool, you could make meatballs.
Some believe that our voices are loud and finally being recognized because of our visibility in the arts, television and politics. Some believe that there’s too much dissention when pitted against the rampant body image issues and the ongoing masculine versus feminine debate that draws lines in the sand towards unification.
Krystal mainly uses her bike for running errands, with an average of 20 miles per month – not too shabby! That’s at least 600 calories burned per month! Thank goodness Krystal wears a helmet, especially since she rides in the rain and was almost doored a couple times!
Hummus, in my mind, exists in that sparsely populated category of truly guilt-free food. Low in carbs, high in fiber and protein, I can consume prodigious amounts with nary a passing concern. Consequently, I, like many gays I know, keep a container of hummus in my fridge at all times.
Gay travel is being defined as we speak. Hotels, airlines, and tour operators are all putting out feelers in order to corner their share of our market and, make no mistake, ‘We’ are most definitely a ‘market’.
Is ‘coming out’ a ‘sacred process’? Yeah, I guess – but when you are a public figure, fighting for the rights of your constituents, and you take public actions, especially via social media, that demonstrate that your ‘private’ life and your ‘political’ persona don’t equate to a confluent picture, you’re being hypocritical. You’re lying.
What message do we share when we shout at the top of our lungs how different we are and how intolerance of that difference is unacceptable, while we with the same fervor fight for ‘equality’?
As we look back on PhillyGayCalendar’s blog and columns in 2013, there’s a LOT of amazing work that our super talented team presented. Here’s a review of some of our top stories of 2013.
The time you’ve spent putting your best efforts forward at bettering someone else’s life is futile if they’re not willing to listen.
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