Sashay: Can I just say that I’m sure Kathy Griffin did the best she could with these teetering hags. The jokes the queens originally came up with were unoriginal and as boring as an episode of Looking.
Chante: Oh my god, Danny DeVito, I love your work! At least Ginger Minj delivered.
Sashay: The thing I loved most about the Ginj was her facial expressions. The thing I liked least about her was her partner Kandy Who.

Chante: Kandy…resting on her pretty. She needs to head back to Kandy Land…or, Puerto Rico. And take Chachki with her.
Sashay: The problem with chachkis, or more accurately “tchotchkes”, is that they are cute, but mostly just sit around collecting dust.
Chante: Precisely, and in this case, Violet doesn’t need polishing; she needs to be packed up and sold at a local flea market.
Sashay: Chante, can we talk about Mrs. Kasha Davis?
Chante: As long as you remember that there’s always time for a cocktail! And you know what, she may have been sent packin’ but girlfriend ain’t neva told a lie.
Sashay: I’m sure those zingers were much funnier in her head back in the 90s. What really annoyed me about Mrs. Kasha Davis was the way she threw Katya under the bus on Untucked. She basically said all the jokes were Katya’s and that Katya took the best ones for herself. I’m sorry my dear, but you’re up for a reading.

Chante: I’m going to have to disagree with you, Miss Sashay. I think Mrs. Davis is a class act and didn’t deserve to go home yet. Now, was she going to win? Of course not, but she was not worse than Kandy. Ru’s always got a place in her heart for the gorgeous queens, which is what saved Miss (W)ho’.
Sashay: Now Chante, I think we can all agree that Kandy Ho sucked monkey balls and isn’t worthy of licking the sweat off Michelle Visage’s underboob. If it were up to me, I would have done a double elimination and brought back Shangela, but can you please open the muthafuckin’ library?!
Chante: My my my. Well now the library is muthafuckin’ open!
Sashay: Thanks dear. Mrs. Kasha Davis, if you wanted better jokes, you should have written them yourself. That’s what Sashay and Chante do week after week, like this gem: Mrs. Kasha Davis’s comedy routine gets more eye rolls than Jaidynn Diore Fierce has stomach rolls.
or this:
Did one of the queens say Mrs. Kasha Davis was a workhorse queen?…because I think they meant a horse-faced queen.
But what can we expect from a queen whose look is more clown than couture.
Chante: Let me shut this library down before your membership is revoked. What about Pearl and Max’s win? I’m not quite sure that was deserved. Pearl had the audacity to disrespect Mama Ru? Oh HELL no. Send her packin.

Sashay: Maybe Ru’s plan is to toy with her a while longer. Who knows. What is up with her this season? She’s scrapping with Pearl, her runway look with that gold bow on her head was atrocious, and she wants us to pay $239.99 for the RuPaul figurine the losers get to take home each week?
Chante: Mama Ru was providing a Drag-a-macation to Pearl who clearly needs tough love. But girl, RuPaul can do no wrong in my eyes. How dare thee insult her!
Sashay: Well, her magic definitely worked on Pearl. Hopefully, she’ll continue to step it up.
Chante: Alright drag racers…which comedy queen delivered the best funnies? We want to hear from you!
Sashay: And let’s hope Snatch Game is coming up soon. Can I get an amen?
Chante: AMEN!