Arden Theatre Company presents Once, with Book by Enda Walsh, Music and Lyrics by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, now at the Arden until October 21. Once is based upon the film written and directed by John Carney. This production for the stage is directed by Terrence J. Nolen, the Arden’s producing Artistic Director. Once is the initial production of Arden’s 31st season, and it is not to be missed.
Set in modern-day Dublin, we encounter a street busker who we know only as Guy who is not successful, and is so discouraged that he wants to walk away and leave his guitar on the sidewalk. A passerby, who we will know only as Girl, is angry that he should abandon his guitar and his love of music so easily. This begins their relationship, aided and abetted by Girl’s vacuum cleaner. Katherine Freed is a marvel as the Czech immigrant who saves the life of our Guy, no less wonderfully portrayed by Ken Allen Neely, who just happens to work at his father’s vacuum cleaner repair shop in Dublin. The story continues as we see Guy and Girl clearly becoming close, and their closeness is mainly through their passion for music.
Once is perfectly realized, passionately acted, and miraculously transfixing. Many might think that this is just another bland heterosexual love story, but it isn’t. That would be selling Once far too short. It is a complex, adult drama with occasional comedy, which deals with feelings of being an outsider, how to fit in yet be true to yourself, and to be authentically alive. Each of us wants to feel as if what we do matters, and if we can change just a little bit of the world for the better while we are alive. Once addresses these issues beautifully and with grace.
The design team has outdone themselves with this presentation of Once. The entire theatre is used to bring the story alive. We are on a hilltop overlooking Dublin, or at home with the Czechs struggling to find a place in Ireland. We feel the misery of Guy’s small bedroom and the dead-end life he is about to accept. We might even shed a tear when Girl says something in Czech to Guy, and he asks her what does what she said mean. She says something silly, but the words “I Love You” flash onto the walls of the theatre. Heartbreaking, yes, but true.
Live your life. Take a chance. Buy a ticket and forever be changed by experiencing Once.
For further information about Once, visit .
Clean Slate: A Groundbreaking Trans Comedy with Heart
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