If there’s anything we learned this week, Drag Racers, it’s that all that glitters is NOT gold. Can we say, Darienne Lake?
Sashay: Once again, Darienne is saved in a lip sync. I haven’t been this bored since Magnolia Crawford took the stage.
Chante: The fact that Darienne is still in this competition is ridiculous. Each and every one of her runway looks was the fuck busted.
Sashay: Halle-to-the-mutha-fuckin’-loo. Where to begin? The rainbow jumpsuit, the just-walked-out-of-the-bar “executive realness” or the Jabba the Hut gown?
Chante: She must’a kept Darienne just to spite all the queens’ suggestions to send her the fuck home. I will say, though, that Darienne’s lip sync was slightly better than DeLa’s. When it comes down to it, I think both DeLa and Darienne weren’t going to win so I really don’t care what order they go home in.
Sashay: All the more reason to do a double elimination! Listen, BenDeLaCreme hasn’t shown an ounce of growth or outside-the-box realness, yet she said she still felt she “got more” in her. Yeah bitch, MORE OF THE SAME. You’re a one trick carousel pony. Don’t be bitter, just be gone.
Chante: Well, the pickins are quite slim now. Aside from Darienne, we have Courtney, Adore and Bianca. Obviously, Bianca is superior to the rest of the queens. With this said, I think Adore pummeled the runway this week. She owned each of her looks…especially banjee realness…she knows how to work ghetto.
Sashay: I’ll give you that. Plus, I really enjoyed her puppet show in the mini-challenge. However, her executive attire was a little disappointing. I look at her and see “boy in a dress”. She needs a life class from Bianca Del Rio.
Chante: Now that we’re down to the final four, I think America is obviously gravitating toward Bianca Del Rio. There is no denying her outstanding ferocity. She stands above the rest. But I worry about our presumption that she’ll be crowned queen of them all. If not Bianca, then who?
Sashay: I think the judges were fooled by Darienne’s act this week. I mean, stupid Santino said she had a good attitude just because she acknowledged she sucked this week. I admit that I suck every day… and twice if it’s his birthday.
Chante: Preach hontey. PREACH. So tell me your prediction for top 3.
Sashay: I really thought BenDeLaCreme would have been up there because she is so polished. It’s really hard to tell. I can’t stop picturing Darienne in that hideous brown gown. Adore seems to constantly crack under pressure. And Courtney seems mostly stagnant. What do you think?
Chante: I say the top three will be Bianca, Adore, and Courtney. It wouldn’t surprise me if Adore takes the crown. Ru is looking for the “up and coming” queens who’ve shown growth. Courtney doesn’t need the crown and Bianca is the presumed winner.
Sashay: Gag me with a spoon! If Adore wins, she better buy HIMself a full pair of eyebrows. In other news, I am loving Khloe Kardashian as a guest judge. I wish she would have gone backstage to talk to the girls in the Interior Illusions Lounge. She’s like the gateway Kardashian. Can I get an amen?
Chante: Amen!