What a disappointing snatch! This week the girls put on their best celebrity impersonations.
Sashay: Chante, this was the worst, most unfunny Snatch Game ever!!!!
Chante: Those bitches may have had good ideas, but their execution was a HOT TRANNY MESS!
Sashay: Some of their ideas just sucked. How did Jiggly expect to pull off Snooki? She would have been better off impersonating Jabba the Hut.
Chante: More like Pizza the Hut.
Sashay: And the other girls weren’t much better. They almost had me missing Shangela.
Chante: Mmm. I don’t know if I’d go that far girl.
Sashay: Milan, just because you put on a bad wig, don’t mean you Miss Ross.
Chante: Phi Phi’s Gaga, Kenya’s Beyonce…even Latrice’s Aretha Franklin…I mean…what the hell were they thinking?!
Sashay: Bitch, open the fucking library!!!
Chante: Oh, I’mma open it and borrow several books.
Sashay: Sit down for story hour children because I’m about to read.
Chante: Read ’em a story, girl.
Sashay: Kenya Michaels – Language barriers are not an excuse. You know Drag Race isn’t on Univision. You should have bought Rosetta Stone before you got booked for the show. Crazy is not an impersonation, it’s a disorder. Seek treatment bitch and get some medication.
Chante: Phi Phi O’Hara – Just no. You betta watch out because if I were Lady Gaga, I’d be sickin my little monsters on ya.
Sashay: I’m tired of these queens mis-representing Puerto Rico by making themselves all look crazy. Is it something in the hormones they’re taking down there?
Chante: I don’t know girl. They must’ve eaten one too many empenadas.
Sashay: And Dida Ritz. . . how you gonna be a drag queen and then do an impersonation of another drag queen?
Chante: Wendy Willams? I mean Williams?
Sashay: Yes girl, yes. Impersonating Wendy Williams is playing it too damn safe if you ask me. I’m not even convinced Wendy’s a post-op tranny. I think she’s swinging an oak down there.
Chante: How you durrin??? On the flip side, though, Chad Michaels and Sharon Needles KILLED IT!
Sashay: I love that Sharon did Michelle Visage, but I wish she would have wore the nose. That judge needs to be taken down a peg or two.
Chante: Sharon was a better Michelle Visage than Michelle Visage. And Chad Michaels? She was fierce. Cher might be her shtick but she served true CUNT last night.
Sashay: If they’re serving CUNT then I’ll have the vegetarian option. In other news, I loved the guest judges.
Chante: Yes mama. I am obsessed with Ross Mathews.
Sashay: And Loretta was divine.
Chante: I have to say, the best line of the night had to be Ru’s reaction to Sharon on the runway…”Just a little prick in the mouth.”
Sashay: Hmm… never tried it.
Chante: Oop! You said it! And by far…the WORST moment of the night had to be Willam crying on that damn runway. Girl…go home. Just. Go. Home.
Sashay: Yes girl. And the way she was bragging about being on Boston Public. Bitch you were on one week, the special tranny episode.
Chante: Her and Jiggly need to sashay their asses away as soon as possible.
Sashay: And drag Milan’s taint with them. Can I get an Amen?
Chante: AMEN!!!