DOUBLE TROUBLE!! This week we were blessed with three hours of RPDR. Can you even stand it? Between both episodes, the queens had to work their sales pitch game and tickle our funny bones with their comedic talent.
Chante: Wherever shall we begin, Sashay?! I think I have a resolution to Ru’s search for this year’s next drag superstar: her name is Bianca Del Rio. Can we just go ahead and crown her now? Bianca killed it in both episodes.
Sashay: Yes, girl. This bitch is in my top one. She is consistently serving charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent.
Chante: For as much as Bianca dishes out sharp quips and pointed shade, she’s extremely intelligent and on point. She also sticks her neck out there for deserving queens. The way she supported Trinity just showed what a well rounded person she is. Bianca for the crown, I say!
Sashay: Agreed. I really enjoyed seeing Bianca bonding with Trinity, who I think also killed it in the stand-up competition.
Chante: Oh yes. Miss Bonet was on point this week, in both episodes. She served up a funny ass street walker in her Glamazon makeup shoot, as well as some legit, round-the-way hood-rich humor on stage. Snaps for Trinity!
Sashay: Silence!!!!! Can we please read some bitches now?
Chante: The library is OPEN.
Sashay: Thank you boo-cakes. Let’s just start with that hot mess Laganja Estranja. During the sales pitch, she was able to ride the Mouthbreather’s coattails. However, what was she thinking on the runway in that black and white mess? Her makeup made her look like a cross-eyed fish and the bitch forgot to put on her eyebrows. Eyebrows are the awnings to the windows to the soul.
Chante: Well ding dong, the bitch is gone. She obviously lacks a soul…and any level of personality. She can cluck and click and “yes gawd” her ass on home. Thank you Jesus!
Sashay: Halleloo. I am so tired of looking up how to spell that bitch’s name. Speaking of the Mouthbreather, it’s so nice of her to switch it up for us and wear something other than a blonde wig with dark roots. Don’t you agree?
Chante: I do agree. Adore has grown on me throughout the season. I would not be surprised if Miss Delano ends up in the top. Although, I must say, her comedy was just tragic.
Sashay: I reluctantly have to agree. She has some talent at times. She may bump BenDeLaCreme out of my top three. DeLa sure was knocked down a few pegs in these challenges. However, I am glad that Ru saved her from elimination.
Chante: Girl, I was beside myself when I thought DeLa was going to be sent home. I think Ru got it really wrong when she pardoned Darienne Lake first, who obviously deserved to go home. She’s made enough mistakes to have her ass sailing on home.
Sashay: I have to disagree. I thought BenDeLaCreme lost herself onstage during the lip sync by taking off half her ensemble, which I actually loved despite what that bitch Michelle Visage thought about it being too costumey.
Chante: Moving on…can we talk about Miss Courtney Act? You know how obsessed I was with her in the past. Ever since Ru called her out on the fact that she’s resting on pretty, it’s become clear to me that she knows she is. She isn’t really presenting CUNT. She’s just presenting fish realness and assuming she’ll coast to the top.
Sashay: I couldn’t agree with you more and I hate the way she is treating Joslyn Fox. I’m glad Miss Fox finally got a clue and I saw some fire in her eyes during her lip sync against Laganja Estranja. Now if only she would do something about that five o’clock shadow.
Chante: I do think Courtney was right about one thing – Joslyn’s drag isn’t particularly refined. But with this said, Joslyn is a total sweetheart. She’s genuine and real and funny…a definite contender for Miss Congeniality.
Sashay: Perhaps, or perhaps Bianca Del Rio will win that too. Can I get an Amen?
Chante: AMEN!