Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar

Fundraiser for Denise Cohen from Toasted Walnut

At the end of 2016, Denise fulfilled a dream by opening an LGBTQ bar/nightclub in Philadelphia – Toasted Walnut. It provided an inclusive, diverse, fun, and safe environment. The business was growing, creating regulars who enjoyed the time spent at the establishment. All was well, until August 2019. While driving home at 3 am, Denise…

The 15th Annual Juried Art Exhibition

2020 has been fraught with incredible challenges and loss. While  this is something unique for many, the Queer community has been through moments like this before. And so we are uniquely equipped to address  this moment. We have always redefined parameters of time and space. Our embrace of failure, resilience and resistance is our strength,…