Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar
Judy Gold is the proud mother of two children, and enjoys a loving same-sex relationship with her partner. She won two Emmy Awards for her work as writer and producer on The Rosie O’Donnell Show. In addition to being a glamorous woman-about-town, comedian, writer, producer, and actress, Judy Gold is also a daughter, and thereby hangs a tale.
DVLF put together last nights TOY Fundraising event in the smartest way possible. They combined good will, great food, and shiny winter landscape to create a warm and perfect fundraising environment that housed one of the longest Silent Auction tables I had ever seen.
I thought it was going to be just another lazy Sunday, lounging around Cafe 12 drinking a gingerbread latte and catching up on work, but then my calendar pinged and I was reminded that I had signed up for an adventure, not just an adventure, a Qventure.
The Kinsey Sicks have self-identified as ‘America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet.’ They will grace the stage of the Rrazz Room in New Hope from December 4 through 6.
Last month a lesbian couple made headlines when they went to a Sperm Bank to become pregnant instead the bank erroneously gave them sperm from a Black donor, prompting a lawsuit for $50,000 in damages.
I am frequently asked how many grams of protein and what type of supplements should a person consume to build muscle?
A new campaign is sprouting on Twitter / Instagram called #weareALLclean where users take shower selfies…..check it out!
Meet Chris Newcomer, he’s back in Philadelphia for a brief break of parading around the United States with the 16th tour of the Musical Chicago. He took a few minutes out of his crazy schedule to sit down with me and answer a few questions for PhillyGayCalendar.
CODE:RED was one of the largest AIDS / HIV Awareness events to hit Philly last year, and this year is going to be bigger! I sat down with the event’s creator Michael Mikel Tambon (Drag name Cherry Pop) to talk about his journey and how CODE:RED is working to make Philadelphia a better place.
Will and Anthony Nunziata have appeared several times at New York City’s 54 Below. Now, the twin brothers will sing up a storm in New Hope at the Rrazz Room on Saturday, November 29. I managed to catch up with Anthony Nunziata recently. He spoke about twin brother Will, their career, and Anthony’s solo appearance in New York City on November 28, the day before their New Hope premier appearance.