Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar
Last July I was invited to tour, experience and review a number of hotels, restaurants and attractions for the Mexican Government Tourist Bureau. Many are most welcoming to the Gay Market, our tastes and attention to detail. Here are my current top 5
Because Mr. SEXO is the epitome of sexy, beacasue hee is sexually appealing and body positive, becasue he embodies confidence to be unapologetically sexy, arousing and sex positive – I felt it only necessary to ask the ‘hard’ questions.
We fucking love you. We really do. Sometimes we couldn’t exist without you. But, seriously. Let’s talk about some things you do that give me the gay hives.
The concept that massage is not an important tool in staying healthy and that it is simply a “spa experience” is incorrect.
When I heard the word activist, I used to think more along the lines of those real life superheroes such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Harvey Milk. Examining the word further, I began to realize that each one of us, at one time or another in our lives, can define ourselves as activists.
The Gayborhood is quickly becoming a foodie’s dream come true. Marcie & Val’s empire, Fuel, El Vez, Philly Cupcake, Vintage, Zavino are some of the super successful Gayborhood staples. It’s time for Eat A Pita’s time in the spotlight!
The holidays are already stressful – but when your family isn’t gay friendly it can be a nightmare.
Already sick of the cold, Brian tells you the best places to go to get all warmed up.
The intersection of power, privilege, and ignorance can be a perilous epicenter. As it stands, privilege, when abused and not perpetually checked, can develop into an albatross of mental stagnation and ignorance. When that level of encumbrance meets power, it’s a guaranteed cataclysm.
Mike and Marga Make Queer Comedy will take place on Saturday at The Painted Bride – and I sat down with them to get the scoop.