Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar

Fringe Review: The Pop Musical Diary of a Gay Man

How do you make the tired tale of “coming out” relevant in 2015? Add uber catchy pop songs sung by amazingly talented people and stick them on a hyper-realistic, by fringe standards, stage. Add some fun light cues along side campy moments that turn into some overly dramatic moments and you’ve got the Fringe show with the longest title (I checked) – The Pop Musical Diary of a Gay Man.

Fringe Review: Purgatory

When the two week stretch of Fringe rolls around I look for something different. I want to feel grossed out, turned on, distressed, fascinated etc. I want to be taken to the edges of my comfort level; I’m reminded of my favorite sub-genre of performance and Purgatory certainly satisfies my need to feel uneasy.

Bud and Marylyns

REVIEW: Bud & Marilyn’s

Are your tastebuds ready for the next big thing in Philly? Marcie Turney and Valerie Safran (Barbuzzo, Jamonera, Lolita, Little Nonna’s) have ventured into the heartland of Wisconsin (Turney’s hometown) for inspiration for their retro-American restaurant, Bud & Marilyn’s.