Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar
With June declared as Pride Month by President Obama and the kickoff of Pride Weekend here in Philadelphia, I thought I’d prepare myself for the glitter filled celebrations by digging in a bit to what Gay Pride means to me. And, for me, the weekend meant block parties, parades, festivals, friends, family and an all around celebration. But it also meant a lot more to me. Something that I’m proud to tell you about
At one point or another at least several times in our lives we all make a commitment to getting healthy, joining the gym and working out. While our motivation may be high that particular New Year’s Eve, before our champagne even loses its fizz, we are already deciding that we might be better off saving that resolution for the following year!
Last week ended the current cycle of Drag Wars All Stars. Local drag queens who had competed in previous Drag Wars competed for the title of All Star. The competition was fierce but in the end, only one queen could take the crown – and the winner was….Bev!
Dating is especially difficult in this technological day and age. It’s funny – it seems like the more ways we get to connect to each other, the more barriers go up on making that connection genuine.
The 6th Superbowl of Drag is over. We have a new Drag Superstar. The one…the only…Bianca Del Rio! She has been crowned QUEEN!
I have always been a hopeless romantic. Ever since the first time I saw Sleepless in Seattle when I was 6, I have tried to turn my life into one big gay Nora Ephron-esque rom-com.
Everyone talks about going on a diet. Sometimes you just need a few healthy life changes.
On April 26th, 2014, Edie Windsor returned to her hometown of Philadelphia and her alma mater, Temple University, to be recognized for her role in overturning a significant portion of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Now sissy that walk! This week the queens competed in their last challenge showing off their acting and dancing skills in RuPaul’s newest video.
News coming from Ukraine that Russian nationalists are distributing pamphlets to Jewish residents demanding that they register their names, addresses, and pay a $50 tax in much the same way the Nazis did in 1938, the precursor to the Holocaust. This news immediately threw me into a panic! Could this possibly be happening again? In 2014?