Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar
Queer in small towns isn’t the same as gay in a city like Philadelphia. Community is less about sharing resources and stories, about forming friendships and families, and sustainable long term partnership in small towns. It’s more about survival, and what you sacrifice for some sense of identity.
Let me introduce you to Night Kitchen Bakery. Owned by Chef Amy and Johnny Cakes. This dynamic duo, husband/wife team just love the gayz! But enough about them, let’s talk about their cakes, their brownies, their cookies, their endless list of awards.
Carrie, now showing at Underground Arts at the Wolf Building, tells the familiar story of a ridiculed teen with telekinetic powers. The Brian De Palma film and Stephen King novel by the same name depicts the protagonist in a dramatic light, portraying a tale of hurt and revenge. Erik Jackson’s stage adaptation accomplishes the same task, but with a lot more humor.
I sat down with the amazingly funny super lesbian Suzanne Westenhoefer as she got ready for her show in Philadelphia on Saturday
Listen up all you beautiful lesbian ladies of Philly – Come out to the Scene Party
Once while on a first date, I was asked, ”What do you want when having sex?” I made a couple of jokes about sex, trying to avoid having to be vulnerable. Then he launched into an overly confident speech about his accomplished sexual prowess, while mentioning his penis size more than once. I thought, who are you kidding Stud? You’re just as sexually uncertain as anybody.
My most recent stop in the Gayborhood was Amis. I’d been for dinner and have heard people rave about their brunch. Amis was A MISs for brunch.
The recent bullying and suicides of Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, and Billy Lucas four gay teenagers whose lives were cut short is just senseless. It is disheartening to learn that in this day and age, our youth are still plagued by homophobia that is rooted in ignorance.
In two weeks I will be walking around Fairmount Park to support and remember those who are infected or affected by the HIV virus. I have certainly been affected by the epidemic. I took my first HIV test when I was seventeen. I remember feeling so nervous and thought that my life would be over if the test came back positive. But nonetheless, I couldn’t quite wrap my head around living with HIV.
Like Carrie Bradshaw and Monolos, books are what makes me happiest. I love books. The texture, the smell, the sound of pages turning. I love the static quiet and still air in bookstores and libraries, even comic book shops. I love the way standing in a room of books makes me feel like nothing is out of my reach. That I could learn anything, with enough time and effort, become a self-educated expert on any subject. As a card-carrying member of the gay lady club, of course GLBTQ fiction and history hold a special place in my heart.