Executive Director of PhillyGayCalendar
Philly has a wealth of upstanding Queer DJ citizens. The good news is they all spin rather frequently in our fair city and around the way. You can catch a bevy of them at Emerge on May 2nd at Transit Nightclub and for a tasty bit of Emerge click here: Emerge Promo.
Interested in a little theatre to culture up your life but aren’t sure what to go see? I have a little sneak preview of some of the local plays you will want to check out.
Last night was an emotional victory no matter how you cut it. Pennsylvanians spoke and they spoke loudly. Pennsylvanians spoke not simply in choosing Clinton by a 10 point spread as the Democratic presidential candidate, but also by their demonstrated commitment to the political process. Clinton and Obama aren’t the only ones who are tired; we too survived seven long weeks of campaigning!
Ms. Chelsea Clinton made a second appearance in Philadelphia’s Gayborhood to urge the gay public to support her mother in today’s Primary election. I am just tired. These campaigns have become so Machiavellian. Allegations thrown left, conspiracy theories thrown right. And it is because we are tired of the current administration and we are fighting passionately.
After the last eight years, America desperately needs its next Great president. And fortunately, we will have the opportunity to vote for him. We can not afford to waste this opportunity in history. I will be voting for Barack Obama.
Thom talks about the GLBT film festival in New hope as well as the Lammy’s
This week is National LGBT Health Awareness Week. SafeGuards encourages our community to Take Charge of Your Health!
Hillary Clinton said to end her presidential campaign now would be as if “Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum steps and said, ‘Well, I guess that’s about far enough.'” She went on to say, “[w]hen it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up.”
I was lucky enough to be treated to a personal appearance by Chelsea Clinton at Woody’s. Chelsea Clinton spoke out of convincingly personal experience, out of love for mother, candidate and country.
Two local forward thinking lesbian religious leaders will be honored by The Shalom Center at The Third Annual Prophetic Voices Celebration Sunday, April 6, 2008.